On recent suggestions from our readers to revisit Soi Than Tawan / Silom Soi 6, we have taken up the gauntlet, postponing a couple other lead stories in the process... (Our original survey & story was in April 2017, so follow-up was way past due.) From the upbeat reports we were receiving, we were expecting a vibrant "Night Entertainment Area". But here once again, the old adage applies : "The only source of disappointment is unrealistic expectations". Nevertheless, an update is in order, if only for historical reference...
 In 2017, there were 20 Nitespot venues vs 18 Venues today ( 19 counting one extra on Silom Rd.). In 2017, ten of those being massage parlors. There are currently 12 massage parlors, most of which are now boy massages (gay or predominantly gay). The shift in emphasis is clear; while there are less total Venues, the number of massage parlors has risen, while the number of clubs (incl. bars, karaokes, etc) has fallen.
 While the Soi Than Tawan / Soi 6 area is more than adequately covered as far as boy massage parlors are concerned, the area in general does not really come up to spec as a stand-alone " Night Entertainment Area" - in that it lacks variety and continuity (too spread out considering the number of Venues). Nor does it have the " critical mass" necessary to appeal to the general public - the area does not " draw a crowd" by virtue of its size - not a location the average nightcrawler would want to go for an entire evening's entertainment. We note our observations are a combination of ' subjective' and ' objective' ('objective' being 'the facts') - for example, on our visit the other evening, we spent more than an hour at peak time and saw perhaps a dozen persons walking into and out to the area, none stopping at the Venues (- a fact). By virtue of the entire staff of several of the massage parlors sitting outside on the street, we can deduce without much effort that they have few customers, if any.
One of three 9-Teen Massage parlors at Than Tawan
 We will continue to visit the area periodically, and will report on any significant changes. In the meantime, we have included a selection of updated photos of the Soi Than Tawan Nitespots.
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Apropos the comment in your September issue, and I quote, "The traditional A Go-Go havens of the past remain as 'islands in the stream.... more as Nightlife carnival sideshows for the tourists...", I can only say I couldn't agree more. A long time visitor from the 1970's, and now resident, I guess you could say I go back to the Go-Go age. Where Nana Entertainment Plaza used to be the hottest place in town, I literally can't even bring myself to go back there anymore. The place is choking on security bouncers, I counted six just processing people in and out at the now-computerized security Checkpoint Charlie in front. What the Hell is that? I also heard a rumbling that Nana was considering charging an 'entrance fee'. Is there any truth to this?
Mind you, I am not directing my disappointment at the young ladies, other than to say the average dancer is not up to par as compared to the 70s, and that's because the average is brought down by so many overweight dancers, dare I even say "fat"? When I first came to Bangkok in 1973 we would see attractive girls on the street, or working in a department store, and the reaction was almost universally, "She's beautiful enough to be a Go-Go dancer." Today, that has no meaning - you can pick any Go Go stage and see skinny, fat, tall and short, so I don't want to hear how the girls today are just as attractive. As I said, I was here then, and I'm here now. And don't invite me to leave Thailand if I don't like it, I'm a fix-it person, not a runner. Please do not print my name.
You are not alone in what you are saying, many from our era are saying the same things. I personally don't go to Nana Plaza anymore, except to take a friend visiting Thailand, or when we do the monthly surveys. But having said that, the so-called 'A Go-Go carnival sideshows' have in recent years been reaping the benefits of international tourism's decades-long mantra that Bangkok's nightlife is unsurpassed. As tourism numbers soar post-Covid, so do the visitors to these A Go-Go carnival sideshows. Many will stop for a single drink, many others walk through without stopping. While the lion's share of visitors is now Asian tourists, Nana Plaza, in spite of itself, is nevertheless busier than it ever was.
I also have heard the rumor that Nana Plaza was considering adopting an entrance fee, but these word-of-mouth rumors, as they say, aren't worth the paper they are written on. And there is no use holding your breath, those "good old days" are not going to be returning any time soon. You're not going to find another A Go-Go bar like the Private Dancer on the ground floor at the rear, you're not going to find another A Go-Go bar like the early Woodstock on the second level (before it became a restaurant-pool bar).
This can't be just me. Everywhere I turn on the bar scene web it's butts, butts, butts. Has someone forgotten to ask me to join the cult? ...... I appreciate the feminine form as much as the next dude, but this is getting farcical.
We don't think we can add anything here - other than we have been noticing the same phenomenon.
'Reader's Corner' moderator -
'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
* Zootramp
Dave is BACK...
Let the Follies begin-
Vol. XXXIII No. 10
Bangkok, 01 October 2024
Free Distribution
Although we noted no new closures or openings on Patpong 1 Road, we did notice -generally- a few large "Corona" signs appearing around town. Apparently the stigma of "Coronavirus" has worn off, faded into history... (As some may recall, a number of people stopped drinking Corona beer during the Pandemic due to name association.)
 The Virgin X was to open in the first week of October, according to the mamasan, however it remains closed. And we think we know why. They have posted " For Hire" signs offering positions for Coyotes, P.R., Models and Dancers. They are, however, offering potential new-hires payments of Baht 500 to Baht 1,000 per day. Notice no offers for monthly salaries... Those in-the-know see this as a red flag - they can't find staff. They did, however, nail up some impressive neon...
 Last month's Qeen 501 Studio Bar closure is history. They are once again open for business... Up on " The Ramp".
 After the longest renovation we can remember, the Bad Beach A Go-Go has finally opened. Worth the wait (and in time for the cool season). Let the good times roll.
 Quite suddenly, the Party Bar is now occupying the digs formerly home to Erotica. Located ground level. With thanks to JK for the snapshot, you know who you are.... Welcome them to partytown.
 The Rainbow 3 has apparently moved into the recently closed Bun Bun 1 up on the third level. No pics as of yet. We will be following up.
 The new Bollywood Desi Night Club has either opened in place of King Indian Night Club, or it is co-located with it... With the persistent surge of tourism from India it is only logical that we are seeing more Indian Night Clubs and restaurants. Soi 4 is no exception to the influx. All to the good, economically speaking, for Thailand.
 The Heaven @4 was dead and gone last month, however we see it marching to the beat as usual this month. May they keep on keeping on...
 The 4th level Beef, open 4 months ago, closed 3 months ago and reopened last month - has now reclosed. Did we notice some heavy-duty renovations going on... ?
SOI KATOEY (Silom Soi 4)
 The Sasiya Massage (Branch 2) has rolled out the red carpet in the Honey Plaza. The original Sasiya remains at its old location at the top of Subsoi Titanium. May they continue to slip and slide.
SOI 22 Sukhumvit Rd
 What was the J. Smile Massage is now the Smile Smile Massage Modus operandi unchanged. Rub-a-dub-dub.
SOI 22 Sukhumvit Rd
 The Biya Salon Massage &Nail has apparently found a way out from under it all. They were immersed in totoal darkness when we passed by the other evening...
SOI 22 Sukhumvit Rd
 Singled out for an " Archive Photo" this month is the 8 Bar - it's been around quite a while, laid back - and always moderately busy. May they continue to keep the wolves from the door...
SOI 8 Sukhumvit
 The relatively new Velvet is bringing aboard Nightclub-style entertainment. Located in the first subsoi to the left as you are going in. Gotta let the train roll on...
SOI 8 Sukhumvit
 Running hot for the last two months, for whatever reason the Kushi Shogun was boarded up when we passed by. All the chattel remained within, so we suspect it will be reopening again soon. A wait-and-see item...
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 The Finch, opened only May 2023, has fallen into the dark abyss of Nightlife history. They won't be coming back - the premises has been completely gutted - walls, windows, doors, ceiling, flooring - all torn down and dragged away.
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 By the time you read this, the Heaven Massage will likely be up and running. Located at the end of the Soi, near Golden Giraffe. We'll update / confirm again next survey...
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
The Nice Bar, after graduating from the old Bier Garten side to a larger area straddling both the old area and the Bier Garten area, has vanished into the night, now replaced by the KKL Bar. Welcome them to the night circus.
7 CENTER POINT (Sukhumvit Soi 7) 
The thumbnail-sized Spring Flowers has reinvented itself after having been closed last month. Welcome back to the sharkpool. Located on the north wall of the old Bier Garten area.
7 CENTER POINT (Sukhumvit Soi 7) 
A For-The-Archives pic ot the Beer Garden bar beer neon. At the rate the bars are disappearing in this part of 7 Center Point, we'll need to make sure we have everything recorded. BTW, the empty bars and corridors in the old Bier Garten half are becoming cluttered with trash, old bar fittings and parked motorcycles - the place is becoming a dump.
7 CENTER POINT (Sukhumvit Soi 7) 
 The long-dormant digs that once-upon-a-time was the Papa (and then the short-lived Lips), is prepping to open newly as the Looong Timme No See. They should roll out the goodies on, or around 8 October. More photos next round.
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 After a brief renovation, the Angel 33 has burst forth onto the scene... (replacing the Paco 19 Club). May they be dealt all aces and faces...
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 At the far end of Soi Dead Artists, should one turn right onto Subsoi 5 and go down to the bend in the road (where Bistro 33 / Tenderloins once held court), one would find the brand new (and exclusive) Rava Italian restaurant. We mention it in passing, as it doesn't appear to be a " Night Entertainment Venue".
SOI DEAD ARTIST (Sukhumvit Soi 33)
 A For-The-Archives pic of The World Famous Annie's massage. (Yes, that's the official name now...). And, yes, this is the same Annie's that was at the back of the Rajah Hotel since the '70's.) Specialty Massage remains their forte...
SOI EDEN (Sukhumvit 7 / 1)
 Last month we featured two new Nitespots at the top of Sukhumvit Soi 25 ( The Pablo and The Intense). This month we feature two new massage parlors located right next door to them. Welcome the Thai Thai Massage and Nature Thai Massage & Spa.
Traces of Bangkok's Early Years
A This month Midnite Hour continues to review Bangkok's Nightclubs offering live entertainment, located both in the bigger hotels and operating independently.
Likely none has heard of the Bluebell Girls from France. But to our surprise, in 2019 they celebrated their 70th year anniversary at the Paris Lido (where, in 1948, they performed their inaugural cabaret show )..
May 1968
Mary Stallings is an American jazz singer who performed with Louis Jordan, Dizzy Gillespie and most every jazz performer you have ever heard of. She also performed at the Monterrey Jazz Festival in 1965. Her full resume of famed Venues and renown jazz bands is much too large to publish here.
May 1968
Kathryn Grayson, originally trained as an opera singer (coloratura soprano). She was an actress, both stage & film (MGM, Warner Bros), and opera singer. Likewise, a summation of her film, operas and stage credits is too long to include here...
May 1968
The Brothers James (not to be confused with the James Brothers) were a popular, but relatively unknown quantity in entertainment circles. Nick Balbona was a popular recording star in the Phillippines.
May 1968
Johnny Borg was a popular rock singer in Australia in the 1960's.
May 1968
We were unable to track on the internet the Trio Los Peruanos (translates as The Peruvian Trio). Likewise for "Indonesiana 68" - likely a traditional music group sponsored by the Indonesian government.
May 1968
Maurice Rocco, renoun American entertainer & pianist, originally at the Bamboo Bar (Oriental Hotel), sojourned for a spell in Hong Kong before returning to Bangkok's Cesars (Gaysorn). He later migrated to the Windsor (as above). He would later leave the Windsor to return to his fate at the Bamboo Bar.
May 1968
It seems counter-intuitive that the Bankok Night Entertainment Scene was growing exponentially while deadly battles raged in Viet Nam and next door in Laos (and even in the northern and southern provinces of Thailand). The local newspapers updated the see-saw war on the front pages, while covering the Night Entertainment Scene a few pages later...
May 1968
While pouring over our clippings of Nitespots we came across this May 1968 Bernard Trink Movie Guide. It is of some interest to the Cinema Buff and the historian as it includes the locations of the theaters (usually not found in advertisements of the day).
May 1968