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The 13th of July, 2006 marks a particularly unsavory day in this nation's legal history. After a three year trial, the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court acquitted self-reformed Vice-Czar Chuwit Kamolwisit, and the elusive Maj Thanyathep Thamathorn, and Lt Col Himalai Phewphan (and 124 of his former 'security' staff) of any involvement in the destruction of Sukhumvit Square Night Entertainment Area. (The other 191 individuals, all Bangkok's Finest, who provided traffic control and other midnight Municipal services for the fleet of military vehicles arriving and departing never even got a slap on the wrist - see why below....)
"Om Yim"

A wink, a nod and a thinly suppressed smile, as alleged 'Kingpin' Chuwit Kamolwisit is advised of his acquittal in the destruction of Sukhumvit Square on the 13th of July, this year.
Photo excerpt: Bangkok Post
At 04:00 a.m. on 26 January 2003 Sukhumvit Square was destroyed by "Mafia elements", the massive illegal demolition made world news, and caused the Prime Minister, our very own Benevolent Autocrat, to cry, 'No such Mafia will be allowed on my watch..." Of course, as the locals now well know, when he tried to arrest the Kingpin, Chuwit Kamolwisit, said Kingpin caused one of the nation's highest profile, most sordid bribery scandals to ever come to light. He allowed as if he were arrested, he would start naming names of implicated National Police, who also just happened to be bribing him - one District Police Chief alone was receiving 80,000 baht per month just to allow him to operate his brothel-massage parlors. If we can mix a metaphor or two, the tip of the iceberg was just beginning to show in the can of worms. His further revelation that he had offered the Police "trays of Rolexes" marks the scandal in the annals of infamy.
This revelation stopped everything in it's tracks, and the Prime Minister, furious at this point, began an investigation of the National Police - claiming he would clean it up in three months. He backed off to one year, then five years, and now has done nothing. The Benevolent Autocrat has, in summation, been backed into a corner, first by 'Kingpin' Chuwit, and now secondly by the National Police - business as usual. -This coming at the same time the Prime Minister's special adviser, Maj Gen Trairong Intaratat said that he had turned over evidence of a 20 million baht payday to those who trashed Sukhumvit Square, and the top names to go along with it. The General said, however, that it would only be appropriate that the Prime Minister release this information. But it was already too late, the Benevolent Autocrat, his back to the wall, never released this information.
The Devastation....

This photo taken from the Skytrain shows about 25% of the terrible devastation inflicted at the hands of the Mafia forces. Except for the shed at the right of the photo. no building was left standing. The marauding backhoes left more than 120 businesses trashed in their wake, exactly 60 of which were Night Entertainment Venues.
Photo: Bangkok Eyes Archives
Just as the Military and the National Police utilize the "Transferred to an Inactive Post" to avoid taking appropriate action, the Justice Department employs the catch-all cop-out "insufficient evidence". This was the court's official statement, and we quote, "The area was demolished at night, so it was impossible to determine who did it."
The Military connection...

Lt Col Himalai awaits bail at the South Bangkok Criminal Court lockup in January 2003. He didn't have to wait for long. He was absolved by that same Court of any complicity in the Sukhumvit Square Affair on 13 July, along with Chuwit, et al.
Photo excerpt: Bangkok Post
Sometimes you just have to grab a chair, sit down and laugh out loud. The Thai Army Engineers who organized, provided equipment and materials, and oversaw and participated in the destruction and looting, also brought in the heavy backhoes, the generators, and the electric lighting sets (to use after their premeditated cutting of commercial power). No, there was ample light with which to see clearly, demolish, loot and to erect prefabricated (and trucked-in) concrete/ steel walls. Eyewitnesses that Bangkok Eyes interviewed at the scene of the crime in January of 2003, saw clearly the "youthful men in safari suits" who supervised and looted. They watched from their balconies in the building on the other side of Soi 10 - less than 20 feet away (we can safely mention this, as they no longer occupy these quarters).
The Wrecking Crew....

Some of Lt Col Himalai's "security" men rounded up after the assault on Sukhumvit Square. Of the over 140 arrested, only 124 made it to trial - many just 'disappeared', some died mysteriously and conveniently while in jail (local media sources). No investigations are pending on these deaths.
Photo excerpt: Bangkok Post
But make no mistake, what the Court is really saying here, what they're really telling us when they say, "impossible to determine who did it", is that there will be no appeal, that there will be no further search for the guilty parties (not even an OJ Simpson faux-search). The matter is dead. It is history.
As a matter of comic relief, the lawyer for one of Chuwit's two puppet companies, Nickel Co (the other being Sukhumvit Stars), was sentenced to 8 months' jail for inciting the Military Corps Of Engineers to destroy the compound's more than 120 businesses. Ho Ho Ho, he will likely be out on bail by the time you read this. This is the first time we have seen a lawyer wear the "scapegoat" hat - we can rest assured, however, he will be well rewarded for his token sacrifice. He was the only party found guilty of anything. Justice served. Ahennnnnh....
Should all previous similar examples of TRAVESTIES OF JUSTICE not be sufficient, this non-verdict by the Courts of Thailand should serve to warn any and all that might be entertaining foreign investment in Thailand, that your business venture is only as safe as the next whim by the local Mafia, or group of "Influential Persons". Until such time as this country becomes a nation governed by "Rule Of Law", there is no such thing as a 'safe' investment here. No exceptions.
Chatuchak's 'New' Bar Area
Two years ago, a taxi driver first recommended we visit the bars along Kampheng Phet Road. As we knew of no bars in that area, we were naturally curious. We knew that the area by day sold plants, pots and other garden items - a sort of overflow from Suan Chatuchak (The Weekend Market). - but who knows (?), perhaps the area transformed into something quite different after the sun went down.... In preparation for our trip down, we asked the taxi drivers what the area was called, to facilitate our travel there later. The area is known as "Oh Toh Koh" - the Thai acronym for Ongkarn Talat Kasetikorn, which translates roughly as The Agriculture Marketing Organization (area).
*Click* To
Photo Essay >>
Our first impression two years ago was less-than-favorable, to say the least - a half dozen or so bars scattered over the two block area, most of it in darkness. The area seemed to attract very few people, and was a long way from reaching any kind of "critical mass", (sustainable size). Needless to say, we didn't stay long - it looked like it was developing into just another local karaoke bar area. We decided to have a drink while we were there - just to say we did, and while we sipped, we noted that we were the only farang. On departing, we gave the area a 'zero' chance of making it. Once again, how wrong we were....
But after once again hearing the taxi chatter, we thought it might be time for a re-visit, so this last month, we took off for that very much off-the-beaten-path location. We arrived a little after 09:00 p.m.., and saw that we were just one of a continuous 'parade' of arriving taxis. It was obvious by the neon visible from the street side alone that some drastic changes had taken place. Definitely time for a survey.
The IK>Q Pub just recently celebrated it's second anniversary - a very noisy affair.
We soon discovered that there was as much activity on the Sub-Soi behind as there was on Kampheng Phet Road, perhaps more. All told there were twenty Night Entertainment Venues in the area, two of which were making the final preparations to open in the coming week. This is well above the number required to be self-sustaining, well above that required for an area to become a 'draw' in it's own right. It had obviously reached that " critical mass" required for indefinite survival some time in the last two years. Not to mention that we saw at least two other venues under construction - and they were working nights just to get 'on line' all the sooner.
The Volume is one of the larger Music Lounge venues on the back row.
Gone was the dreary Karaoke Bar atmosphere; replaced by several large Nightspots offering live bands and on-board DJ's. This Night Entertainment Area is obviously geared for the teenage and young adult set - and they were coming in groves to party until closing time (usually 01:00 a.m. - some later...) Chatuchak Night Entertainment Area differs from the usual in that many of the Venues do not open during the week (even the ones that advertise they do).
The Seven Nights is a modern Night Entertainment Venue - somebody has dumped big money into this project - hoping their investment will pay off. From the crowd last Saturday night, they don't have long to wait....
We should note, however, that this Night Entertainment Area is still primarily for the locals. Again, the farang are more than welcome, but it's just too much of an unknown quantity to the foreign set. (And as may be expected, fewer of the Night Venue staff and customers speak English.) MIDNITE HOUR doesn't foresee this area becoming an expat Nightscene any time in the near future, but we will make note of Chatuchak Night Entertainment Area for the historical record, and if at some time in the future, this area does become popular with the expat residents and/ or tourists, we will be able to call up this survey as a point-in-time reference. -And if you are interested in exploring, the best and surest way to get there is to go by the new Subway, and get off at Kampheng Phet Station - it's about a fifty meter walk from there (see the map).
Thermae's 10th Anniversary
A full two weeks before the Thermae Bar & Coffee Shop's tenth anniversary at it's 'new' Ruamchit Plaza location, the waiters were reminding all the familiar faces to make it to the celebration (virtually all the waiters were from the old location). Ten years?? -A little hard to believe that this much time had passed since the old Thermae Coffee Shop closed, and this new place had opened.
The Thermae Bar & Coffee Shop had a banner stretched across the front of Ruamchit Plaza advertising the partying within (or is it, 'withunder'?). There were questions asked about the so-called "Live Band" - many thought it would have been kinder to shoot them, and put them out of their misery.
Not that the MIDNITE HOUR expected anything 'historical' to happen, but in that the website's raison d'etre is the historical perspective on the Night Scene, it is not something we would skip - and it would be interesting to see how many familiar faces would put in an appearance.
On the night of their 10th anniversary, the Thermae was packed out, -Farang, Yipun and hookers, all in equal numbers. Were it like this every night, they could legitimately claim back their old mantle as lords of the underground.
To make the not-so-long story shorter, the evening was a success (in spite of the off-key band and a couple of drunken exhibitionists who thought they could dance like Michael Jackson). We hadn't seen a crowd like that in years - most of the evening you couldn't get a place to sit down,
Some may remember this banner of 10 years ago - this photo taken on the closing night of the Thermae Coffee Shop at the original location, near Soi 13, Sukhumvit.
But in the final analysis, there were basically two types of expats that showed up. There were those who were relatively new to the Bangkok Nightscene who were there to celebrate the tenth anniversary of it's opening, and there were those longer-term residents who were there to raise a toast in remembrance of the closing of the old Thermae Coffee Shop. Although they happened at virtually the same time, it's not quite the same thing. Three cheers to the Coffee Shop that some forty years ago gave new meaning to the word 'Underground' - the old Thermae is dead - long live the old Thermae.
Below are a few photos from the MIDNITE HOUR archives of the original Thermae on the night it closed - ten years ago, last month.
Lest we forget - it was the flood of large, and super-large "steam-and-cream" massage parlors that opened in Bangkok at the beginning of the R&R years that brought the Coffee Shops with them. It was the Thermae Coffee Shop, however, that generated all the buzz in the Expat and US military communities. The rest, as they say, is history....
A couple of expats toast "the end of an era" on closing night at the Thermae Coffee Shop, ten years ago this July. We didn't bother to get their permission to use this photo, as they were obviously the types who wouldn't make it for the long-haul in Bangkok anyway.....
One of the Thermae "regulars" - ten years ago. We didn't bother to get her permission to take this photo, either. ...Or did you already guess that...?
A Far Savannah
In our monthly combing of this fair City Of The Angels for material on new Night Entertainment Areas and graffiti, we often come across some highly unusual items.....but a spirit house with zebras ?!
Historical Minutiae Dept.
Chawala Massage
Do you have anything in your records or data about an old massage parlor from the seventies called the Chawalah? I was there in 1979 and remember it quite well.
'Mike' "
Indeed we do have a record of the Chawala (sometimes Chavala). In fact we have two items. There was, and still are Chavala Massage Parlors on Sri Ayuthaya Road, and the sister venue on Sukhumvit near Soi 34. Below is a recent photo taken at the Sri Ayuthaya location. You didn't state which one you were recalling, but both branches were in existence at that time.
We can answer virtually any (reasonable) question on the Expat Night Entertainment Scene in Bangkok - be it Historical or very recent. Send us an e-mail and we will do our best to answer you soonest.
'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
* Zootramp Publications
This month the MIDNITE HOUR awards the "Thai Smile" to a receptionist on Sukhumvit Soi 8 - one of the most infectious smiles we've seen in a long time.

August's Follies
begin here
MIDNITE HOUR presents the NEWS on the Bangkok Night Scene; - the 'history-in-the-making' for all major Expat Night Entertainment Areas - for the month preceding :
Gone but not gone, the Queen's Castle III has made it's umpteenth reappearance - the new neon looking good. A few months back, when the "renovations" faltered, we predicted that they had gone down for the third time - that they wouldn't be able to get themselves back on the firing line. -We were wrong : welcome back to the snakepit. The modus operandi unchanged : upstairs showbar.

Last month, we noted that the Tip-Top 2 had opened in the old upstairs King's Lounge digs, and we had a pic of their temporary Styrofoam sign. Notice the name change to just Tip Top - perhaps a bit confusing when giving directions? This month they brought in the chrome and teak, some very sedate neon, indeed. -But perhaps "sedate" is not what is needed - customers seem to be walking past, not even noting that the place is open for business. Really, gang, the Styrofoam was better than what you have now, as nice as it is. Better yet get some real neon neon.
We note that the Goldfingers has (for some time) changed it's name officially to "Goldfingers" (note Thai sign below). Formerly legally known as the Erotica, the name change will keep the Sign Gestapos from returning....and returning....
The fire damage repaired, the Plaza Massage is now putting the finishing touches on interior and exterior alike. Their sign advertises that they will be opening on 3 August (a couple days from today). They are also advertising for masseuses - presumably all the old staff have gone elsewhere by now..
A dancer steps outside for a short break - and a quick word with a girlfriend at one of the several migratory food stalls that dot Soi Cowboy on any given evening.
The balloon bunting laboriously put up across the front of the bar in the afternoon is gleefully and noisily disposed of by one of the Cowboy 2 dancers.

The Hollywood Rock now prefers to be known as the Holly Wood Rock.... Sounds like the Name Gestapos have been raising their ugly heads yet again....
Early last month, without any fanfare, the Blu-Bar-BQ imploded quietly. We hope the grass is in fact greener on the other side for them. But the digs didn't stay empty for long - by the 14th of the month Harry's Bar & Grill popped up like the proverbial dragon's tooth - and out rolled the red carpet. And out came the barbecue - excellent chicken, better ribs. They better watch out, or they will make a name for themselves. Located on Sub-soi 3, wish them luck as they give a roll to the dice.
Last month, we mentioned that the hammers and saws were a-flying in the old Lucky Luciano Club digs - and from the sign in the window calling for oil masseuses, it was all but certain that it would be massage parlor (we admit, one does not need to be Sherlock Holmes to come to these conclusions). The Love Teen Massage opened early this last month - and they have never looked back. This is definitely not a traditional massage parlor - nothing ambiguous about it. They have several kinds of massages we have never even heard of. Welcome to the sharkpool.
These "Teen" massage parlors are proliferating like chinchillas (does that date me, or what?) With it's new neon already nailed up and all aglow, the Teen 3 VIP Massage won't actually be rolling out the red carpet until tomorrow (02 Aug 06). Assuming all goes well, we will make the 'official' note to the historical record in next month's issue.
There is a brand new Massage Parlor / Spa at the very end of the Soi calling itself, at least for the time being, Thai Massage. We suspect that will change in the coming days, and we will report back with photos next issue. In the meantime, welcome them to these mean streets.
Last month the Mykonos looked darker than a poisoned well - we had already made a note to reconfirm and drop it from the rolls. But this month, they were back with a vengeance - and with a spectacular bit of new neon. We wish you constancy.
Door Art Of The Month
This month's Door Art Award goes to the Mykonos. Off in one corner of Washington Square, it had gone unnoticed for years. No longer - with Vegas-strength neon like this they can't help but be noticed. The venue remains unchanged, however: - indoor / outdoor Thai Karaoke. Although farang are welcome, we've never seen any there. The MIDNITE HOUR will, however, continue to monitor it for historical purposes.
The Name Gestapos paid Soi Katoey a visit a few weeks ago, and the upstairs Pharaoh's Music Bar Karaoke was the designated Night Entertainment Venue to be made example of - (it seems this was not their real name). Owned by the same people that have the downstairs Sphinx, they simply removed the Pharaoh's sign, and continued to march under the Sphinx banner.
The 2 Corner bar is closed, and they are building on like the Winchester Mansion. We heard two stories - one being they found the buyer they were looking for a couple of months ago (photo below). The other is they will keep it, and it will open with the same name. Look for it to open before the end of the month. We'll lay a marker down on this one, and get back atcha.
Only last month the Infinity took over from the failed coyote bar First Avenue. But that was then, this is now - this month, the Infinity has gone the way of Diogenes' one honest man, and up pops the DC.10 #2, which closed down upstairs a couple of months earlier, then reopened briefly there (upstairs) last month - before moving back down (where they were originally, after taking over from Chemo 01 in April of 2005). Confusing? Never mind, we'll just welcome the DC.10 #2 back to the fold, and be done with it.
The Only She Bar has actually been operating quietly without a sign until they could get the interior near to completion. But now that it is open, it is starting to take off. Poolbar-Lounge the prime agendum. They are located on the ground floor just at the stairwell as you are walking back. Welcome to partytown.
Operating under the old DC 10 II sign last month, the Double Entry Bar now have their own neon shingle nailed up, and are continuing to march. They are rumored, heavily rumored, to be the old New Lucky Luke's from the now defunct Tobacco Road (Soi Zero). We should note that they will soon have two new neighbors - as we walked up the corridor, we saw hammers and saws a-flying in two more soon-to-be bars.... We wish them luck as they cast their dice against the pitted wall of fate.
We noted last month that the Honey Bar had moved over from Tobacco Road, but that they didn't yet have any neon nailed up. This month they do, so we will include a pic for the historical record, and for those who might be searching for the bar at it's new location (2nd fl.). Much like the old sign, they might be well advised to be a little more imaginative - if they are going to attract custom.... Keep on truckin'.
The bars have got together and strung light strings back and forth across Soi Eden, suspended from which are red stars and green 'Christmas trees' - nice to see some things never change. The Soi was surprisingly quite busy on the weekend.
While it was still on Tobacco Road (Soi Zero) the Sexy Night Det 5 had a banner stretched within saying it was preparing to relocate to Sukhumvit Soi 8. On the closing of Tobacco Road last month, that's just exactly what they did. They are now going by just Det 5, but we understand that new neon is in the offing, so we'll just have to wait to see what they will eventually be called. They now occupy the old White House digs. It is a first class Sports Lounge & Poolbar - no longer a bar beer - let her rip, then gentlemen....
(No News)

# 12
Graffiti ...but is it 'Art'?
Bangkok Eyes -specifically this MIDNITE HOUR column- has been scolded, warned and even threatened not to continue with our Graffiti Page by those who would see themselves as society's personal guardians. And then there are those who have praised the Graffiti Page, sometimes for artistic reasons, and sometimes for reasons known only to society's rebellious, and sometimes just because they uncritically like to look at the photos.
But in any case, graffiti being now just on 2,000 years old (see our History Of graffiti ) it is highly unlikely that the practice will cease anytime in the near future, despite what we, or the hundreds of other websites might publish on the subject. And it appears that the two sides, graffiti's praisers, and graffiti's condemners, will likewise never see eye-to-eye on what graffiti is, or is not. The debate rages, as municipalities and campuses and local governments continually increase their efforts at stopping and cleaning up after these 'spraycan street bloggers'.
.....And then, there's graffiti......
The two opposing viewpoints were recently summed up rather succinctly by a remarkably well-balanced article appearing in the Arizona Daily Wildcat's web page
azwildcat online < link>, which in this instance was addressing a spate of college campus graffiti taggings. Parts of their article have been excerpted here:
" Defining art and crime -
Officer Frank Romero of the UAPD's crime prevention unit, says the issue of graffiti is over the expression of art versus the mentality of destruction.
"If you've got an item or structure that was created one way, to serve a certain purpose and look a certain way, a building, a bench, a sign or even a tree, if someone alters that item and purposely intended to alter the appearance of that item, then it's graffiti. Whether it says 'Susie loves Johnny' or 'whatever rules', it's all graffiti .
"The graffiti found on campus (however) doesn't seem to be related to criminal street gangs, but rather a result of frustrated people with no other outlet. When we see graffiti , it's just somebody trying to make a point and get attention. The 'whale' and all the other things we see around campus mean something to somebody, even if that something is nothing. That in itself is a statement. Graffiti often is the product of people with communication problems and who fear to express themselves in another way," Romero said.
Dan Tepper, a photography senior, considers himself a graffiti artist. Tepper and a friend opened up an art gallery, 36 Chambers, located downtown, to not only display their artwork - whether it be graffiti, photographs or various other mediums - but also to provide a space for others to show off their skills.
Tepper says, "....(But) despite providing a space to display graffiti legally, some of the essence of graffiti fails to translate to the gallery from the streets. Graffiti is so much more than the final product; it's the preparation. It's the illegal act. It's getting away with it. It's going back and taking pictures of it. ...But, (he laments) ...everything gets painted over all the time, so there's no history.
"One of the problems graffiti faces is people are quick to say, 'it's all either gang activity and it's all vandalism'. You can't do that, you can't say graffiti is something and graffiti isn't something. If you pick up a spray can and put it on a wall it's graffiti, it's art and it's usually illegal. Police and people who have no understanding of graffiti as an art will always be against graffiti because it's everywhere and it's prevalent, but that's what graffiti is about. That's what's cool about graffiti - no matter what, you can't get enough people to paint over it and speak against it. It will still be there no matter what anybody does. It's the good and the bad and the ugly. ..." "
The above responses are, it seems, typical - whether you are listening to the opponents & proponents in Austria or Australia. It is the MIDNITE HOUR position that the defacing of public or private property is vandalism, plain and simple, and we note that it is considered a punishable misdemeanor in most localities. Our feelings are that the punishment for such vandalism should fit the crime - and should, for example, be community service - cleaning-off of other illegal graffiti - thereby lessening the community's enormous costs for such cleaning. And it isn't surprising that a very large number of municipalities worldwide are adopting just such community service programs -- a bit like rubbing the dog's nose in it.
However : also in our view - not only is graffiti "art" but it is a legitimate "art form". And those unable to see the possibility that graffiti can be both "illegal" and "art" (-that they are in fact mutually exclusive conditions-) have our deepest sympathies as to your intellectual shortcomings.
But we won't let our collective feelings on this matter cloud the straight-up reporting. (Good reporting is a mirror, good mirrors have no warp.) And while we don't encourage it, we do report it. If our reportage precipitates a crackdown on these 'art crimes', that's fine and good - we will report that, also. If our reportage elicits interest and enjoyment in the reader, that is also fine and good.
As a matter of general interest, below are three recent publications by authors and publishers who DO think that graffiti is art -
The Art of Rebellion: World of Streetart
by Christian Hundertmark
£12.99 paperback (2005) ISBN 1584232099
Banksy: Wall and Piece
by Banksy
£20.00 hardback (2005) ISBN 1844137864
Stencil Pirates
by Josh MacPhee
£12.99 paperback (2004) ISBN 1932360158
- And now to
Bangkok's own brand of Graffiti....
graffiti #078
Kryptonite Blender
8 1/2 ft high x 18 ft
graffiti #079
Can Dregs
2 1/2 ft. high x 4 ft.
graffiti #080
Guest Book
6 1/2 ft. high x 19 ft.
graffiti #081
Little Shock
8 1/2 ft. high x 7 ft.
graffiti #082
6 ft. high x 5 ft.
graffiti #083
Mural Wars
14 ft. high x 47 ft.
graffiti #084
Tix & Tones
7 ft. high x 3 1/2 ft.
Graffiti, graffiti , and more Graffiti -
original and
ONLY graffiti Site
The M
HOUR Graffiti
is prepared by Staff Contributor "Boge" Hartman
photo, above, is not a graffiti per-se, although there are those who have
  --- Datzit Fernow
William R. Morledge
Copyright © Bangkok Eyes / bangkokeyes.com : 2002-2005