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MIDNITE HOUR presents the
NEWS on the
Bangkok Night Scene; - the
'history-in-the-making' for all major
Night Entertainment Areas - for the month ending
1 August, 2005 :
Dancin' In The Streets...
The three best...OK, OK, just kidding..... The Funky Dojo has come up with what may be a 'Bangkok first'. Later in the evenings when the lights get turned down lower and the volume gets turned up higher, the portable dancing stages get moved outside. The only thing missing were the chrome poles. We hope this doesn't outrage the modesty of the Benevolent Autocracy's morality gestapos because it sure is a treat for sore eyes. The only remaining problem is how to get the approving crowd standing around outside to come inside...

non-news item of the month is the
Tip-Top restaurant is now being renovated, and it is
not going to be new bar(s) - as several wags would have it. It will reopen as itself by the end of the month, or thereabouts...
Spanky is nothing if not a true entrepreneur - they opened their original
Spanky's in
Asoke Corner in May of 2001. By February of 2004 they had opened their third,
Spanky's 3, in the front, at
Asoke Plaza. However, having much earlier seen the handwriting on the wall,
Spanky took the option on the old
Mike's Place on
Patpong II (in of June 2004), retaining the name and adding a small "
Spanky's" at the bottom of the sign. Then in November 2004 and again in January 2005, the owner of
Asoke Corner +
Asoke Plaza confiscated the land from the lessee and illegally destroyed every bar within (including
Spanky's) -giving the bar owners brief warning to remove their personal effects.
Spanky's foresight saved them: - their
Patpong II venture was already starting to pay off. Then, again early last month (June 2005) they opened their second pool bar on
Patpong II in the old
Side Walk Cafe Bar digs (closed last month). May the
Fates deal them only aces and faces. (No relation to
Spankys in
Nana Plaza.)

Located on '
The Ramp', he
Tik + Ko is temporarily out of action, and will be
Tik + Ko + (another close relative) by month's end, as the hammers and saws fly in aid of a one-month renovation. They already have a brand new
Magic-Marker sign out for
sau suay, with the usual promise of a 'high-paying salary'. We eagerly await their reopening come the first of September.
Door Art Of The Month
MIDNITE HOUR nod for best Door Art Of The Month goes to the Century located on the third floor, Cosmo's stairwell (across the street from Foodland). These weird and wonderful wall murals get almost no exposure to the public - appearing in a darkened stairwell that is now almost devoid of Night Entertainment activity.
Secrets was 'lights-out' and the padlock was hanging on the door as we passed by the other evening - it seems they at last found a way out from under it all. Their next-door neighbors,
Angel Witch have bought them out - planning an expansion
a-la Rainbow 4. Our best guess is a mid-September completion.
Above is a satellite image of Soi Cowboy. In future issues, we will be bringing you images of each of Bangkok's Night Entertainment Areas. Also, just to the left of Soi Cowboy (arrow) is the now-destroyed Asoke Plaza & Asoke Corner before their untimely demolition.

Deja Vu is seeing their one-month blackout all over again. More than 30-days for a first offense is more than a little unusual. (Their original unpardonable sin was that the dancers' ill-fitting bikini bras were occasionally getting stuck in their boot-tops). On asking around, a highly reliable source advises, without mentioning any names, that occasionally a bar owner thinks that because he has partnered with one of
Bangkok's Finest he is going to enjoy benefits not afforded the unwashed commoner. But this is not how it works - especially if said bar owner thinks he can get a little cocky - whereupon the
Men In Too-tight Uniforms will see this as arrogance, and slap an additional month onto the time in stocks - just for good measure. For example, and without mentioning any names. We make note as it seems to be a recurring -if rare- problem over the years.

Apache should be closing right about....
now - for what should be a very quick renovation and change of format - said to be tabletop dancing, or something close to it. -And the race is on - they would very much like to reopen before their next door neighbor
Deja Vu does. Under new ownership, they will be retaining the
Apache name.
(Soi 33)


As quickly as it opened, it closed again - the outside world never even having known it's name. Well, if that's the way it's going to be, then so be it. Cool sign, though.
Lucky Luciano Club are making an offer that might be quite easy to refuse. They say that anyone walking in the door with
17.5 million baht can have the place - lock, stock and chrome barstool. But having said that, I'll be willing to wager you didn't know there is a
second complete bar in the basement ! Not only that, but upstairs, there are three 'karaoke' rooms of varying sizes where small partys can be catered in complete privacy. And upstairs from that are, well, more rooms. With an unusual, but well-appointed main bar, who knows? Maybe they
will find a buyer.

Venus Club, which opened only in March of this year - and was hit by the
sign gestapos a little over a month ago for having too explicit a sign, have pulled down the roller shutters, where they remain padlocked to the deck plate. All, however, may not be lost, as they (still) have a
rap samak duan sign advertising for hostesses. We'll lay down a marker on this one and get back to you.

In the
"My Typewriter Made Me Do It" department this month: - Two months ago, we reported that the
Arsom Babai massage parlor was catching up to it's neighbors re: ambiguosity. They are actually the "
Arsom Sabai". (Did you know that this 1932
Underwood has wooden keys?)

Bar Bar, opening earlier than expected, was doing a brisk business on the weekend. Last month we ran a photo of their neon, which was up but not switched on - this month we re-shot it for the archives.
Lounge Bar the
modus operandi. May the nightwinds blow kindly...
The Balcony has put up a row of slightly ambiguous signs outside the area they have claimed in front of the long-defunct
Rome Club. At first reading, the presumption might be (and was, to many) that they are open "all night". What the Colonel meant by that was, "There will be happy hour prices at that area until the bar closes." The bar actually stays open until 01:00 a.m. or 02:00 a.m. or dawn, whichever comes first.

Last month, we received inquiries as to just where the
X-Bar is located. They are located at the back in the left-hand corner of the
Plaza, and with the nailing up of brand-new neon, they just got much easier to find...

Newcomers to
Washington Square sometimes find it difficult to find
Studio 22 - and for a couple of good reasons. Firstly, their sign (below) is right next to the
Dubliner Irish Pub (which has only a dinky little unlit A-frame sign). Also,
Studio 22 is physically located
inside the entranceway to the
Mambo transvestite / transgenderite revue, and if you happen to attempt going there when a show is letting out, you would have to thread your way through a large herd of tour-bus
Taiwanese and an equally large number of
almost anatomically correct guys in drag. Keep on keeping on.

To avoid (we think) any further confusion - last month, it was the
Side Walk Cafe Bar that closed on
Patpong II, not the
Sidewalk Cafe bar beer in
Washington Square (at the exit to Soi 22) - which is still rocking on.

We give up on the
Crystal Bar, which opens and closes as fast as young women of a certain profession change underwear. Only last month, they reopened after a short closure - this month they are closed again. Smart money says this is a guaranteed formula for failure - what we can't figure out is why they haven't gone down for the count already....
Things can get complicated when you are playing musical bars. The DC-10 people from NEP have been occupying the downstairs Chemo 01 since they purchased it from the original owner. They hemmed and hawed, however, about changing the sign for two months, before finally deciding to abandon the first floor altogether, and move upstairs to the front-most section of the second floor. And they have finally decided on their new name: DC 10 II. They are undecided as to what they will do with the ground floor premises which are shuttered and darker than a poisoned well at the moment. Welcome them to their new upstairs digs - let the good times roll.
This may just be Bangkok's first ever Nitespot Venue to illuminate their sign with black light - sort of a contradiction in terms, wouldn't you say? (Ever try to take a photo of black light? 'Tain't easy, let me tell ya.)
Josephines Beer Garden, up on the roof, seems to be falling on harder and harder times - they have removed their glass-enclosed pool room and replaced it with - well, nothing. Gone are the misters (we mean fans that cool with micro-mist) and the deco lighting. They look like they are ready to skip town without paying the rent.
Just when it looked like the Tobacco Road Night Entertainment Area was gasping it's last, a brand-new bar opened up and put a little light - and a little life back into the equation. The Classic Bar Beer has opened in the old Dog / V Bar Beer digs (where DO they get these names?) As the sign suggests, Pool Bar is the operant descriptor. It remains, however, to be seen whether Fate's tumbling dice will bring sevens or nines. Break a leg, guys.
Early in the evening, before things get too busy, the Eden Club's lovely masseuses enjoy a little som tam and sticky-rice on the front terrace.
The Bierstube Swiss Restaurant (and Bar) has been around since 1972 - a veritable mollusk on the Bangkok Nitespot Scene. We have walked past hundreds of times, never having gone inside until last week. We were surprised to see a full wet bar and even more surprised to see a large Japanese menu. There was a good reason for that, of course, in that they are located on Sukhumvit Road near the top of Soi 33, where a large number of Japanese families rent condos and apartments. While we feel the anthropomorphized "keg-boy" sign outside is the stuff of children's nightmares, don't let it scare you away - food and drinks are good.