"We Never Close"
Recently, the owner of a massage parlor became quite upset because I congratulated him on his re-opening. It took me a moment to catch on....
"Why do you say that?!" he asked.
I explained that I was (at his massage parlor location) last month, and had observed that it was closed. He objected strongly, "We have never been closed! We have been open every day!"
Oh, really? I explained to him that I was not making any of this up, and that, in the belief his massage parlor was closed for good, I even took a photo of his darkened premises. He told me in no uncertain terms that I was mistaken, and that he could personally swear that they had never been closed. "But what about the photo?" I persisted.
"Oh,.... well you must have taken it late at night after we had closed..."
Not. I took the photo between 20:00 hrs and 23:00 hrs, when I do my normal rounds, but it would serve no purpose to continue the conversation further, so I made a swift departure. Isolated case? Not on your tin-type : this and similar responses are becoming more frequent, not less frequent. It happened again last night at (an establishment) whose owner I have known for more than twenty years; I of course, have a photo, but it would not serve to call an old friend down over such a triviality.
But perhaps the most exasperating example took place about 3 months ago on Patpong II, when I happened into that Soi in the middle of a crackdown by Bangkok's Men In Too-Tight Uniforms (and quite a few plainclothes officers). I took several dozen photos of the proceedings; one was of a particular Night Venue, where, at the time the photo was taken, the owner and mamasan were just leaving, with representatives of Bangkok's Finest flanking the doorway. The following month, they had no recollection of having been closed, of course.
This unusual behavior by Night Entertainment Venue owners fired off a synapse - and I remember The Night Owl, Bernard Trink years ago saying he would become annoyed at bar owners who would prevaricate about having a new and beautiful line-up of A Go-Go dancers, when they had nothing but the same fat old grandmothers; -that their bar was overflowing with customers every night, when they were always observed mostly empty, etc. It seems this 'barkeep mentality" has been with us from the outset, that I have just come across a variation; a new manifestation.
But it begs the same old question, why would a barkeep or staff of a Night Venue risk bullshitting the very people who are in a position to observe the truth? Why are they willing to risk discrediting their good names to make an entirely meaningless point? These are rhetorical questions, of course, and only serve to point out that human nature is what it is, and that we do, indeed, 'live in interesting times'.
