Let the November 2016 Follies begin...
Expat Night Scene.

The most
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) during this period of
National mourning are
: which
Night Entertainment Areas are open, and, more specifically, which
Nitespots are open. We are pleased to report that virtually
100% of the
Night Spot Venues in each of the dozen major
Expat Night Entertainment districts have
reopened. This month, in addition to our usual reportage of "
Who's New, Who's Through" we provide,
Area-by-Area, photos of general interest for each
Nitespot Area. Other than those pics marked as
'-File Photo', all photos below were taken on
Friday evening,
28 October - and
Saturday evening,
29 October.

On the news of the passing of
His Majesty King Bhumibol,
Patpong 1, as with all other entertainment areas, closed down in mourning. At the end of
October 2016, all of the
Nitespots on
Patpong 1 had reopened, and in addition, a new bar opened. Staff currently remain, for the large part, dressed in mourning attire - with the exception of the
A Go-Go dancers, who are back to wearing their normal rigs, dancing to barely muted rock 'n roll. Closing times remain nominally at
24:00 for the near future. Below are two recent photos of 'the scene' on
Patpong 1.
PATPONG 1 - 28 October 2016

Opening up on the
2nd floor in what was, long years ago, the
Pent House, is the brand new
Domino's. We assume additional neon will be forthcoming. It has all the makings of a '
Pay-For-Show' bar - we hope we are wrong.... Continued reportage next issue, but in the meantime, welcome them to partytown.
PATPONG 1 - 28 October 2016
Spanky's - the one that we were so sure had fallen into the crypt last month- has resurrected itself. And this new incarnation is a vast improvement over the old. Their new signage will be revealed once the appropriate mourning period has expired. Wish them well as they wade back into the sharkpool.
PATPONG 2 - 28 October 2016

Below are a couple of pics of the current goings-on on
Patpong 2. All
Night Entertainment Venues on
Patpong 2 have, as with
Patpong 1, reopened for business. Muted lighting and music are the order of the day during the
National mourning period, and midnite closing (at least nominally...) is in effect. Otherwise, business as usual.
PATPONG 2 - 28 October 2016
Soi Cowboy, as with other
Entertainment Areas in
Thailand, closed down in mourning on hearing of the passing of
His Majesty King Bhumibol. Over the last two weeks, all
Nitespots have reopened (including
Crazy House....), however the exterior lighting has remained minimal. (Which probably makes the owners quite happy -
Cowboy -in their emulation of
Las Vegas- must, cumulatively, run up several million baht in electricity bills each month.)
A Go-Go is back on the various menus, with music not quite so ear-splitting.... The
coyotes... not so much... but it won't be long..... As can be seen from the pics below,
Cowboy remains a very busy place - even in the dark.
SOI COWBOY - 29 October 2016

Rainbow Four has completed it's transition to
Rainbow 5, said transformation commencing last month. This leaves
Nana Plaza with a
Rainbow 1, 2, 3, and
5. Hmmm. We wonder where
Rainbow 4 will pop up ....as
Nana's interminable game of musical chairs drones on. And on......
NANA PLAZA - 28 October 2016
Enter, subtly geared to
Japanese custom, has opened newly in the long defunct
Bubbles, up on the third floor. This has to be the
unluckiest location in
Nana Plaza - we hope they had the good sense to call in the monks for a good spiritual cleansing.... Wish them well in their quest to become the first
Nitespot at that location to be a success.
NANA PLAZA - 28 October 2016

In a surprise move to (almost) everyone, the
Candy Land (2) closed down rather hastily, and was equally hastily replaced by
Diamonds Bangkok. The
prime agendum unchanged. Welcome them to partytown.
NANA PLAZA - 28 October 2016
Twister Bar - the
ex: Rainbow 4 (
hint, hint), has finally electrified their signage. Certainly an improvement, however temporary....
NANA PLAZA - 28 October 2016

Below are a couple of pics taken in
Nana Plaza a few days ago. On the news of the passing of
His Majesty King Bhumibol,
Nana Plaza closed down, shutter and shingle for four full nights. This was longer than any other
Night Entertainment Area. (All other
Entertainment Areas opened at least partially, albeit under the cover of darkness, commencing the following day). Having closed the longest,
Nana is first (in
Bangkok) to be fully open with all exterior lights on inside the compound.
A Go-Go has taken off like it never missed a shuffle. The
katoeys are out on the walkway pawing passers-by
de rigueur. New bars have opened up. Although the closing times remain at
24:00 hours, the winks and nods have already commenced. Say no more.
NANA PLAZA - 28 October 2016
Soi Nana (Sukhumvit Soi 4) with the exception of some exterior signage and lighting, is once again fully operational as a
Night Entertainment Area. As with other
Night Entertainment in
Thailand, virtually all had closed down in mourning the death of
His Majesty King Bhumibol. A number of
Venues have continued to limit their exterior lighting, and staff are -for the most part- attired in mourning clothing - black, or black and white, however all
Venues are back up and running. Closing time for the various
Nitespots remains at
24:00 hours. Below are a few pics of some of the more popular
Nitespots currently in operation on
Soi Nana.
SOI NANA - 28 October 2016
Soi Katoey Silom Soi 4 is up and running
100%. When we checked earlier in the month, (the night of
14 October) they had already reopened, exterior lights doused. Currently, about half of the exterior lighting is turned on. Nominal closing time as at the beginning of
November remains at midnight.
SOI KATOEY (Silom Soi 4) - 28 October 2016
SOI 22
Bangkok Betty located on the ground floor of the
Holiday Inn, has closed down, in spite of drawing large crowds every weekend. We know they didn't go broke (unless they weren't altogether judicious in choosing a cashier). It was open (exterior lights out) the night after the passing of
His Majesty King Bhumibol (when we checked
14 October) - the mystery continues - perhaps this was a contractual crunch of some form or another....
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit) -File Photo

Paradise Massage has replaced the
Analisa Massage in
Soi Lemongrass (the lane just past the previous
Queen's Park Hotel). The
Paradise will continue with
modus operandi unchanged. Welcome them to the big uphill.
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit) - 29 October 2016
Soi 22 (Sukhumvit Road) has a great number of massage parlors, both by percentage and by actual number. The massage parlors were least affected by
National mourning in
Thailand, however three venues were closed during the month (all permanently, -one of which was replaced with a new
Venue - and all closures were unrelated to the
National mourning period). Currently all other
Nitespots in this
Night Entertainment Area are open for business. Exterior lighting is extinguished in most, but not all,
Venues. Closing time remains at
24:00 hours, customers arriving at massage parlors before that time are accommodated.
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit) - 29 October 2016

Tantra Massage in
Soi Lemongrass has been closed for almost a full month. The premises are currently being heavily renovated, so we doubt they will be returning. Greener grass, ladies...
SOI 22 (Sukhumvit) -File Photo

Gone, but not gone; last month, we noted that the
Chaba Massage had closed. This month it is back, bigger (literally) and better than ever. They have a slightly longer handle this time around, now calling themselves
Chaba Traditional Thai Massage & Spa. Welcome them back to the slippery slope.
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit 11) - 29 October 2016

Prauw Spa has recently hung out their shingle in a narrow side-soi which is found just beside the
Baan Phuan Massage. Welcome them to the sideshow.
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit 11) - 29 October 2016
Soi Ambassador (Sukhumvit Soi 11) (with the exception of a single
massage/spa which has yet to reopen) is once again up and running full steam ahead. Most establishments have exterior lighting switched back on once again. Nominal closing times are at
midnight, however there may be one or two
'Till Late Venues pushing the envelope just a tad....
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit 11) - 29 October 2016

Kannikar Spa is currently closed down. It remains to be seen if this is a permanent closure, or if it is temporarily closed for the
National mourning period. We shall advise should it reopen.
*No photo available.*
SOI AMBASSADOR (Sukhumvit 11)
Queen's Park Plaza is
100% open for business : all
Venues have reopened. Most
Nitespots within are observing some muted exterior lighting, and staff is dressed in appropriate black clothing. Nominal closing at
24:00 hours.
QUEEN's PARK PLAZA (Sukhumvit 22) - 29 October 2016

Except for the
Monet Club (below entry) all of the
Night Entertainment Venues have reopened on
Soi Dead Artists. Subdued lighting is only partially observed. General closing time is
midnight, however massage customers arriving before that time will be serviced.
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33) - 29 October 2016
Monet Club, one of the last "
Artist" bars is closed - either permanently, or to be reopened next month, depending on who you believe. We'll check back, and get back atcha.
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Sukhumvit 33) -File Photo
Soi Eden is operating at
100%. All
Nitespots have reopened. Exterior lighting at about
50 - 60%. Interior lighting, etc, at 'full bore'. Most staff dressed in keeping with
National mourning. Nominal closing time for the foreseeable future:
24:00 hrs. Customers of massage parlors in the door at, or before this time are being served....
SOI EDEN (Sukhumvit 7/1) - 29 October 2016

Nitespots reopened under subdued exterior lighting
14 October 2016. Currently
100% of the
Venues are still operating, with most of their exterior lighting turned on. Nominal closing time,
24:00 hrs.
SOI TWILIGHT - 28 October 2016