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Nightlife !
Bangkok's long-term residents and those who make the pilgrimage here to Sin City on a regular basis will tell you that this Nightlife Scene is a continuum of musical 'eras'; each being specific and, at times different, for each of us. The music we are referring to is, of course, the music played in the lounges, bars and other Nitespots where we wasted days and wasted nights. Any subsequent replay of those old songs will immediately elicit a recall of that particular 'era', and more often than not - which bars were hot, and sometimes even causing us to recall who was also in town, or even who was the hot flame of the moment. That's what music will do to you, like it or not.
We are fond of saying we do not believe in coincidences, however some time back we were reminiscing about the good times -and good music- to be had during the '60's and early '70's on "New" Petchburi Road (or as it was then commonly referred to - The Golden Mile). Two days after our conversation, we read a piece in the Bangkok Post by Roger Crutchley, who mentioned not only Petchburi Road, but 'Jack's All American Star Bar', and further, the recently discussed Salt & Pepper band that used to play there. But before we could stop marveling at this 'synchronicity' (and unrelated to any of the abovementioned) we received a reader email from Steve Jarrell, who was a member of that very band in Thailand, way back when.
In our ensuing email dialog with Steve, he was kind enough to provide us with some pix of the old Salt & Pepper in action (as seen herein), as well as a couple of MP3 recordings, and was generous enough to allow us to use them on the MIDNITE HOUR. The recordings have an unique history of their own, as Steve describes;
"We recorded a record that became popular in Bangkok during the time. It was titled "Linda" and the flip side was "Man Of My Word" on the Heatwave label. We were told that we were the first Americans to ever record in Southeast Asia at Shri Chrung (sp?) studios there in Bangkok."
Both sides of that historical (and perhaps no longer extant) 45 rpm vinyl record can be heard by *CLICKING* below :
Please *Click* on the above - (& wait a few moments to download....)
The Salt & Pepper band was formed by American G.I.'s stationed in Thailand (mostly in, and around U Tapao Airforce Base near Sattahip), and reached their peak of local popularity in the two year period 1969-1970. While not a 'military band', they occasionally did a gig at military clubs, such as the Airmen's Club in U Tapao. However, their local 'reputation' came from their regular gigs - performing on alternate Saturday nights at Jack's American Star Bar in Bangkok and the relatively upscale Charlie's Hideaway in Pattaya.
As a footnote, the Salt & Pepper by definition was a 'Thailand' band, and faded after 1970, after band members DEROS'ed out home. However Steve Jarrell, who played sax, congas and sang, did a second tour here in 1971, where he played several popular venues, to include the Nipa Lodge Hotel in Pattaya. To hear Steve describe his return to Thailand, he confesses he traded on the old Salt & Pepper reputation, and played with a lot of interesting musicians, and had a lot of fun. Sounds like he got it exactly right. On his eventual return to the U.S.A. he continued his musical career, part of which includes forming "Steve Jarrell & The Sons of the Beach" group, which has performed on several popular entertainment shows.
OK, maybe we do believe in concidences....
This month's Thai Smile goes to a face that has appeared before in the MIDNITE HOUR....

Historical Minutiae Dept.
The Old Other Office
Hello I am a reguler traveler to Thailand from 2000 to now, stay 2 - 3 months but I want to know if Old Other Office on Patong 2 is still open I have not bean there for long time, and I know the man Pun and his wife the have 2 dotters one are a model the ahter worked inside the bar nothing more when I was there from 2001 to 2004 manny times. So I have think I go to the Cafe De Paris and eat and wen go in to Old Other Office.
So can you help me I will be wery happy and I come the 20 Feb afternoon stay at Majestic. My Name is Jörgen Svensson from Sweden, thanks what ever happends.
Hello Jörgen
Thanks for reading, and for writing in. The Old Other Office is still open, as is the Cafe de Paris. Enjoy your stay in Bangkok!
'Boge' Hartman
We can answer virtually any (reasonable) question on the Expat Night Entertainment Scene in
Bangkok - be it Historical or very recent. Send us an e-mail and
we will do our best to answer you soonest.
'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
* Zootramp Publications

Let the February 2009 Follies begin...
BANKOK EYES' Expat Night Scene.

We can confirm that Radio City is closed, and that ongoing renovations presently consume it's premises. (Last month at press time, we couldn't be sure if they had just taken a breather after New Year's celebrations, or if they had actually rolled up the red carpet.) We'll get back atcha when it reopens. -Note the upstairs Lucifer Disko Tk is still pumping.
We note that the Queen's Castle I upstairs show bar is once again to be counted among the living. They were closed down for a couple of months for their sins, real or imagined. Status quo ante. Welcome them back to the rough and tumble.
The Patpong I version of Kiss (the original) has recently officially changed it's (Thai) name from Dear Nat to, well, Kiss. Say farewell to Nat, whoever he, or she, may be. Same great rock 'n' roll within, however....
The Electric Blue has some electrifying new frontage - bound to catch the eye of even the most jaded passer-by. Keep on rockin'.
Last month we noted that the Sao Za On was looking a little TOO dark to be just closed for a New Year's breather. -We were correct; the place (once home to the notorious Cleopatra A Go-Go / Show Bar) remains steeped in it's own shadows. For the record, the Sao Za On closed a month ago.
The Ninety-Nine, which opened in October of 2007 (in the old Trade Winds digs) was also closed on 1 January, and from the looks of things (the sign had been removed), we took a wild guess that they had closed their doors for good (not just a temporary closure to get rid of the hangovers). . They had in fact done the chicken : greener pastures, gang. The location will soon be yet another tattoo parlor. Our database now reflects the month earlier as their closing date.
The following bars on Patpong II were closed the day (or 2 days) after New Year's Eve, however have all reopened :
501 Studio Bar
Three Ladys
Pinocchio's Club
Mike's Place (Lolitas)
Plaza Massage
Door Art Of The Month
The Suzie Wong, having completed their exterior renovations have captured, without a fight, the Door Art Of The Month for February 2009.
Yes, We Are Hiring -
Yes, We Are Closed
The fire which has temporarily closed down the Raw Hide A Go-Go (reported in our previous issue) has not put a damper on the Raw Hide's zeal in hiring new staff. We hope this translates as they will be reopening soon.
The Pretty Lady would like to have one and all understand that they do not have a cover charge. This could perhaps imply that other Nitespots within the Plaza do have a cover charge, however so far as we are aware, none does.
The Bas Living Room surprised many by opening it's doors to one and all this last period. It looked like they were claiming their share of the Soi's custom. Welcome them to the vicissitudes.
The fence around the old Luminous (currently renovating) advertises the coming Tapas Cafe. We asked the kindly owner of the Tapas Room Club just across the Soi if they were relocating. She replied, somewhat diffidently, that, no, they weren't relocating, and they have no idea who these new Tapas people are. The new Tapas Cafe will likely be opening near the end of the month (February). We'll keep you apprised.
The following bars on Soi Katoey were closed briefly at the beginning of the month to recover from New Year's Eve, however have now reopened :
Bar Bar
Nursery Bar
The Sa Thai Massage was closed again when we passed by the other night. They have experienced temporary closures before, however (which the owner is fond of denying), so we will advise next month should they reopen.
The Sunflower Massage was closed briefly on New Year's day, however we are pleased to announce that it is now 'business as usual'.
The Garden Spa has also reopened (as announced in last month's issue). All is as it was....
Last month we noted that the Rolling Stone was closed when we passed by on New Year's Day, and that we feared the worst - judging by the chattel being 'stored' out front. The Rolling Stone did in fact, close the month before. May they find things more to their liking a little further on down the road a piece....
The Bada Bing ! closed briefly after New Year's Eve, however has reopened - and continues to rock on....
The Lek Massage & Spa closed down for a couple of days over New Year's - and reopened on schedule. Another good traditional Thai massage location.
The Tequila Dragon opened in May of 2005 and looked good for the long haul. But it obviously wasn't in the cards. This time around, it looks to have slid over the edge and plummeted head first into the abyss. The sign put up in the window, curiously only in Thai, reads, "For sale or rent - two shophouses. Interested parties contact (phone numbers)."
The Lek Massage & Spa has added a massage parlor to their repertoire, as seen in the lower photo (hint - a new branch of "Bill's Healthy Massage"). Keep on a-slippin' and a-slidin'.
The Siam Angel Boy, only recently renamed from Fresh Boy X (last August), has gone the way of the dodo - only darkness shining out from within when we passed by the other night....
15 Years Ago This Month....
Bangkok Eyes jumps back in time 15 years to have a look at who was new - and who was through. We'll be willing to bet that many of you "Old Bangkok Hands" will be reminded of some bars you'd almost forgotten about. (We also will be willing to bet you WON'T EVEN REMEMBER an even greater number....)
 Fifteen years ago this month the Takara Bar opened in the old Bar Playboy digs (which had closed down the previous month). It was located upstairs next to the Takara Turkish Bath & Massage. The Takara Bar is no longer there, however, having long ago been absorbed into the current Takara Massage.
PATPONG I - February 1994 
 The Cin Cin Pub & Restaurant opened it's doors fifteen years ago on Patpong II in the old Banana Cafe Bar Restaurant location. Today that lot is home to the Le Bouchon Restaurant & Pub.
PATPONG II - February 1994
 Also fifteen years ago, this month, the Blue Label closed it's doors for the final time. It was located on The Ramp where up until most recently, the Cosy Club held sway (which is to say, next door to today's Matador).
PATPONG II - February 1994 
 Counter Patpong (yes that was really the name) opened upstairs on The Ramp fifteen years ago this month. It replaced (almost immediately) the Old Time Pub previously at that spot. Counter Patpong was located where today's Kob's Place (Linda) is now.
PATPONG II - February 1994 
 Also this month (in 1994), the New Papillon sold out, lock, stock and chrome barstool, to the New Perfect Pub & Restaurant. It was also on the 4th Floor in the Cosmos Stairwell - it is no longer in existence.
PATPONG II - February 1994 
 This month, 15 years ago, the Chin Juku closed down, relinquishing the premises to the Torino. (Note : at that time, there was another Torino located on Soi Bookstore, just around the corner.) This second, newer Torino was located across from Foodland on the ground floor where up until most recently the Siam Drugs was located. There is now nothing at that location.
PATPONG II - February 1994 
 This month, fifteen years ago, the PD took over the reins from the failed President New Lobby Club. The PD has long since faded from the scene, but was located on the 4th Floor in the Cosmos Stairwell - across from Foodland.
PATPONG II - February 1994 
 The ongoing renovations that were to have resulted in the "New York Junk Company" - ended up instead as the X.T.C. (say it fast). That corner is now where the Rainbow II hangs it's shingle.
NANA PLAZA - February 1994 
 The Bubble Gum opened it's doors for the first time a decade and a half ago in the shop next door to the Lollipop - beginning what many readers will refer to as Nana's 'good old days'.
NANA PLAZA - February 1994 
Source: Zootramp Publications -
Saloon Count Archives and Data Base
- And now to
Bangkok's own brand of Graffiti....
This month we are covering the Chulalongkorn University graphics presentation, which if we didn't know better, would call 'graffiti'. However, as all of the below examples are within the campus grounds (and currently available for viewing), we can safely conclude that this was indeed an art project, and not 'graffiti', as defined. After a second look, we did however notice a graffiti 'theme' to these works; see if you can spot it....
Graffiti #274
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x (mural section).
Graffiti #275
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x (mural section).
Graffiti #276
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x (mural section).
Graffiti #277
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x (mural section).
Graffiti #278
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x (mural section).
Graffiti #279
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x (mural section).
Graffiti #280
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x (mural section).
Graffiti #280A
Chula Mural 2009
10 ft. high x 110 ft..
Graffiti , and more Graffiti - Bangkok's original and ONLY graffiti Site !
MIDNITE HOUR Graffiti Page is prepared by Staff Contributor "Boge" Hartman.
(Boge's photo, above, is not a graffiti per-se, although there are those who have insinuated.... - Ed)
--- Datzit Fernow
William R. Morledge
Copyright 2002 - 2009, BANGKOK EYES / bangkokeyes.com
Copyright Bangkok Eyes / bangkokeyes.com : 2002-2009