 Welcome back to Queen's Castle (I) upstairs bar on Patpong 1. It has reopened its doors after being closed down last August for alleged non-Purachaiian behavior. Also rumored to be under renovation, however no prima-facie evidence of this from casual observation. Business as usual.
 The Memphis Queen Beer Bar on Patpong 2 has taken their sign down. A change afoot?
P.P. Thai Traditional Massage ( 4th floor, Patpong 2) had the shutters rolled down tight last Saturday. Closed? Renovating? I'll keep you informed.
 Welcome aboard to Janny Beer Bar in Clinton Plaza. They opened their doors, metaphorically speaking, in January. Located between Yahoo and Lek's Boozer.
 The Wind Mill ( Kangaroo) bar beer ( Clinton Plaza) appears to have cashed it in. They have closed temporarily before, but things are looking mighty dark.

Welcome aboard to To Day bar beer in the Cowboy Annex ( Asoke Corner). You'll find them in the " Six-Pak" in Lolita's Corner. For the record, they opened officially in January.
Monzabar opened in January in the Cowboy Annex ( Asoke Plaza). It is a new double-wide bar beer where old Choke Dee and Flipper Bar bar beers used to be. Welcome Aboard.