The Covid Pandemic in Thailand continues it's 4-month easing - as nationwide vaccinations continue at a rapid pace, and as Thailand's Nightlife Scene struggles to get on it's feet once again. The hospitality industry, as well as the population in general, are hopeful that this is the beginning of "The Aftermath". While many are saying a reopening at this juncture is premature, the (admittedly-modest) recent influx of tourists has not proven to have affected the linear decline in Coronavirus infections.
This video-grab reflects the ongoing pervasive sense of doom in Patpong 1 Road - once the world's best known Night Entertainment Area. Patpong 1 is the sole Bangkok expat Night Entertainment Area that has not begun to make a 'comeback' in the aftermath of earlier Covid restrictions.
We note - with not too much excitement - that this last month, the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus has emerged in South Africa and spread to many parts of the globe. In spite of the deja-vu-all-over-again panic, the new variant has killed no one to date. If the Coronavirus characteristics are like other contageous viruses, and they are, we can expect a new variant every 2 or 3 months. While these variants must be monitored, a reversion to global Coronaphobia hysteria should be resolutely avoided. (Remember: Lockdowns don't work, eventually the lockdowns have to be lifted and all will have to pay the piper - and... you pay less if you are vaccinated). Thailand has taken the precaution of issuing the following modification to the travel restrictions. We quote :
Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health has imposed restrictions on arrivals from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
Effective from 28 November, 2021, arrivals from any of the eight countries who already have a pre-approved permit to enter Thailand will be allowed to enter, but all will be subject to a 14-day quarantine. However, from 1 December, 2021, arrivals from these countries will not be allowed. Meanwhile, entry registration has been closed from 27 November, 2021.
For travellers from other African countries, they will no longer be eligible to enter Thailand under the Sandbox programme. However, they will be allowed to enter Thailand under a 14-day quarantine requirement. During the 14 days, they must only remain in their room and undergo 3 RT-PCR tests on Day 0-1, 5-6, and 12-13, respectively.
Thailand’sCentre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) approved the easing of entry rules for international arrivals, including returning Thais and foreign residents, under all three schemes – TEST & GO, Sandbox Programme, and Quarantine – effective from 16 December, 2021.
The guidelines for activities within the Kingdom as promulgated on 27 October - and put into effect on 01 November, remain unchanged, and are republished below:
Thailand’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation (CCSA) has decided to ease lockdown restrictions further by lifting the night-time curfew and the ban on serving alcoholic drinks in restaurants in Bangkok and some other provinces, effective November 1st.
The CCSA has also significantly reduced the number of the provinces in the “maximum and strict controlled areas” or the so-called “dark red” zone. The change includes Bangkok from November 1st, which coincides with the reopening of Thai borders to foreign arrivals.
Only in the new “dark red” zone, which now includes Chanthaburi, Tak, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala and Songkhla, where COVID-19 infections are still surging, the curfew from 11 pm to 3 am will remain in place, as the restriction has been lifted in Thailand’s remaining 70 provinces.
In this new “dark red” zone, half of state employees are required to work from home, while any gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited. Sports venues can open until 10 pm, with no more than 25% of spectators allowed. Malls, markets and supermarkets can also open until 10pm.
According to the CCSA, Bangkok, Krabi, Phang-Nga and Phuket are the only provinces where alcoholic drinks may be served in eateries.
In provinces categorized as “under watch”, and in tourism “sandbox” provinces, most restrictions have been lifted. Businesses, entertainment, recreational activities and schools can resume as normal.
No pubs and bars in Thailand can reopen at this time.
(Note from us: The above is valid 'until further notice'. If you are planning to be out touring, please check for updates.)
The guidelines for activities within the Kingdom as promulgated on 27 October - and put into effect on 01 November, remain unchanged, and are republished below:
The Certificate of Entry (COE) previously required by the Thai Government ( - which was issued by your nearest Thai Embassy or Consulate - has been replaced by a shortened checklist shown below as of the beginning of November 2021 :
Exemption from Quarantine ("Test and Go") - 'Thailand Pass' Registration System (for air travel only).
* Travellers from eligible countries / territories only. (See below listing.)
* Exempted from quarantine after testing negative for COVID-19 (RT-PCR) after arrival in Thailand.
* Travel from a port of departure in eligible country / territory and have stayed in eligible countries / territories for at least 21 consecutive days.
(Check for any updates to the list of eligible countries / territories at the time you plan to travel').
* Fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no less than 14 days before travelling.
* Obtain a negative COVID-19 test result (RT-PCR), issued within 72 hours before travelling.
* Passport
* Thai Visa
* Certificate of Vaccination
* Paid AQ / SHA+ hotel reservation confirmation (for the duration of 1 day and including the fee for one RT-PCR test)
* Insurance with minimum coverage of 50,000 USD
Eligible Countries Listing
Note: The 'normal' procedure for the : "Thailand Pass" (Test & Go) has been as follows : Expats arriving in Thailand with documents (discussed above) in order, to include Non-Immigrant-O visas for Retirement are required to quarantine for 1 day - (sometimes less), and the only insurance required was Covid insurance, which cost Baht 3,000 for the duration of the visa. The single test for Covid was still required, however arrivals were allowed to proceed directly to their apartments/ condos/ hotels immediately after the temporary quarantine.
Thailand's nearly perfect linear reduction of new Coronavirus infections continues for four months, and indications are numbers will continue to fall, in spite of a small, but significant increase in global numbers (now flattening). Our last month's "chartist" estimate of when the virus will be below the Coronaphobia panic level (below 2000 cases / day), remains unchanged (in spite of the Omicron storm-In-a-teacup) at 'end of January or early February'. The current trending should not, however, be taken for granted - safe hygenic practices and vaccinations should continue on course for the duration.
In summation, we carry forward our last month's note: Quote :
Global herd immunity is the sole way the Coronavirus will be brought under control - the only way the planet will return to 'normal'. There are only two methods to gain immunity: through vaccination and through contraction of the disease (- and then surviving). This is the immutable fact. Our 'take-away from this is, while requirements like masks and insurance and 'social distancing' will continue to fade, it will be a very, very long time before the nations of the world do away with the requirement to have recent Coronavirus vaccinations prior to allowing entry. Anti-Vaxers take note - this is not about politics or your personal right to choose - if you are planning to travel to Thailand, to enjoy its resurgent Nightlife, you will need to be immunized.
What does it sound like when hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists cancel their upcoming trips to Thailand? Well, now you know. RIP this high season for anyone in hospitality industry here who was counting on it.
"Bars, nightclubs, and other Entertainment Venues will continue to be closed until January 15", the CCSA said on Friday. The government previously stated they would consider reopening bars in December."
Great column this month. Cheers
The announcement by the Prime Minister's CCSA which stated 15 January 2022 as the next meeting for a possible further 'rollback' of restrictions, was an interim announcement by the Subcommittee, and therefore not binding. There will tentatively be another meeting by the full committee on 15 December which could further ease restrictions on the Entertainment Industry. This however is a wait-and-see item - no guarantees. Nevertheless, there is quite a bit of Night Entertainment for the expat here in Bangkok right now. See our reports above in "Nitelife News".
The big news on Soi 4 is the disappearance of the long-running Telephone Pub, which is being refurbished and rebranded as Circus. 'Tis already open as such, in fact. The Telephone site has been taken-over by the Australian .... who owns the Pride bar on Soi 4 ...... He announced the takeover on November 7th and the change of name on November 10th. .... (It is) the longest-running Venue on one of the oldest Entertainment Sois, still a newsworthy development. Telephone opened in 1987 and had been through one previous change of ownership, years ago, since then. The existing management and staff of Telephone will, apparently, stay-on.
Many thanks for the heads-up. The closure of the Telephone is definitely historic - at the time of its closure, it was (as you noted) the longest operating venue on Soi Katoey (Silom Soi 4). We will of course attempt to get some reasonable pics of the Circus for the current issue.
Hi Guys,
I want to thank you for keep going with updates regarding the current Bangkok situation. Much appreciated. :)
Just wondering about the impact on "investors" ? Let's say you bought 3 apartments on credit to rent out to tourists, and now no rental income at all for months or years.... Any infos how Thai banks react here ?
Personally I am very happy that I experienced some good times in Bangkok and actually stopped coming in ., I first came in 2000. Cannot complain about my timing...
All the best and good luck.
Thanks for writing in. If you, or others are interested in buying property on credit here in Bangkok, you would of course, need to establish that credit first. Leaping headfirst into buying property here is frought with complications. First, foreigners cannot own land. They can own apartments or condominiums (yes, there is a difference). Foreigners can lease buildings and land for up to 30 years. Foreigners who establish companies here in Thailand can own land in the name of the company (along with your Thai partners). Etc. Anyone interested in doing so, would want to spend considerabe time learning the market - and learning the various areas. There are certain requirements for importing money which must be met. It would be best to consult a lawyer before making any purchases. To your further query, Thailand is seen to have a 'real estate bubble' now, while, on the other hand, good prices might be had buying out those who do not want to stay during this low period.
Now that many of Bangkok's Venues are quietly opening, we note that the Patpong 1 Night Entertainment Area is the only expat Nitespot area that has not commenced a graduated 'reopening'. On the contrary, bars that originally closed temporarily due to the Covid-19 pandemic are slowly closing down permanently - removing their signage, chattel, and commencing with the restoration of the interiors. It is becoming clearer each month that Patpong 1 may never regain the status of an expat Night Entertainment Area.
Typical of the slow deterioration of Patpong 1 Road, the Kiss A Go-Go bar, closed initially because of the Covid pandemic, has moved out lock, stock, and chrome barstool - and all their signage... May they find greener pastures...
File Photo - June 2014
The Madrid has re-closed, (last month it was open for lunches and evenings). As per their sign, they will be reopening on 5 December. Wish them smooth sailing...
The Shenanigans on Surawong Road (between Patpong 1 & 2) has reopened, and by the looks of it, most of their regulars are back... All is as it was...
Venues in transition or active on or before 1 December2021 :
*Unnamed massage parlor - (Last known name: "Thai Lady".) - REMAINS OPEN - Upstairs above Thigh Bar
The Patpong Museum sponsored an event in the Covid-hibernatedBar Bar on 26 November. This was part of the Group's initiative to 'get Patpong II reopened as soon as allowable'. We note the Museum is informally open, as they complete some renovations and new displays. Wish them luck.
The Triple XXX Lounge has partially opened - the A Go-Go stage remains closed and curtained off -for the time-being. The best seats are out on the verandah now that the weather is cool. Welcome back to the neon jungle.
The Hotmale bar beer has opened in what was (pre-Covid) the Midnight. The upstairs Hotmale was still closed when we surveyed last night.
We note the French Kiss remains open, perhaps the last hold-out for the Old French Hands on the Patpongs...
Yet another clip 'for the archives' of Soi Cowboy. As we see a number of bars prepping for a reopening (the Oasis already has), we hope this will be the last of these dreary "for-the-record' videos of the darkened Soi.
(Filmed 01 December 2021 / 20:10 hours.)
The Oasis was the first on Soi Cowboy to reopen - as governmental restraints on Night Entertainment Venues began to ease. Hopefully there will be some truth to the rumor that on 15 December, there will be a further easing of restrictions on Entertainment Venues. A wait-and-see item. Welcome them back to the machine.
As the lockdown on Night Entertainment Venues continues into December, we were surprised to see that (in addition to the outside-facing Morning Night and the Stumble Inn) the insideTwisters Bangkok had reopened. 'Paper cups' and outside seating only. Let the good times (begin to) roll...
Taking over from the longtime-Covid-closedK & S Bar is the brand-new Kick Off sports bar. Note: the 'Pub & Restaurant' designation - which currently allows 'serving' - and not just 'in paper cups'. As we have mentioned before, it looks as though prospective owners/ lessors are getting the message - during the eventual lockdowns / crackdowns, those Venues that also have restaurant licenses fare much better... just sayin'... May the the Kick Off be dealt only aces and faces...
Champs, as noted last month, is open, however this month it looks as if it has absorbed the next door Bangcockney. We'll check back next 'round', and if there is any change, we shall so inscribe. Located at the Soi 6 cut-out.
Venues that have transitioned or before 1 December 2021.
The long-established (1987) Telephone Pub has given up the ghost. In its place is the new Circus. In spite of it's emphasis (see sign) on being a 'Restaurant', the modus operandi remanins unchanged. May they keep on keeping on...
File Photo Nov 2004
SOI KATOEY (Silom Soi 4)
The upstairs Hugs has closed again. But they tend to do that... Let's see what their status is next month, before we write them off permanently...
SOI KATOEY (Silom Soi 4)
Last month, we failed to note that the Nakkarat Massage was also closed on the opening of Silver Sand.
The Keep In Touch has reopened softly under the same management, lights out early. Paper cups. Y'all can come back now. ...(Apologies to Bernard Trink). May they forever rock and roll...
File Photo - April 2019
SOI 22
Venues in transition on or before 1 December 2021 :
*Siam Breeze Massage - REOPENED -Soi Starlight -
*Keep In Touch - REOPENED -Soi Starlight -
*Otto Bar - REOPENED (1/2)
*Singh Bar - NEW (Photos to follow.)
*5 Star Beer Bar - RE-OPEN - Was 5 Star Massage.
*Paradise S 22 - REOPENED - Soi Lemongrass
*Kiss Bangkok 1 - REOPENED - Soi Lemongrass
*New Yorker Cafe & Cocktail - RE-CLOSED - Soi Lemongrass
*Hip Bangkok Massage - REOPENED
*Nadia Bar - NEW - (No sign)
*Triple Chill - RE-CLOSED
*Angel Bar 22 - REOPENED
*Country Bar - NEW - Took over the Terminal 69, which never reopened.
*Squeeze Inn - REOPENED (Half open...) - Soi Titanium
The Old German Beerhouse on 11 has reopened. Business as usual. Welcome back to the sharkpool.
File Photo
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
The 5 bar beers of the Tewly Cocktail group (named, most unofficially, after the first bar beer to open there) have taken down the heavy dark tarpaulins that blocked the view of passing pedestrians and vehicles. Paper cup. They close early some evenings, depending on the Men in Too-Tight Uniforms... Shake it, don't break it, gang...
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
A Hillary 3 sign... (A thumbnail translation:)
* No Freelancing (euphimistically speaking),
* Weapons-Free Zone
* Please show your I.D. card.
* No one under 20 years of age allowed inside.
* No drugs.
* No gambling.
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
Venues that transitioned on, or before 1 December 2021
Last month, due to some ongoing renovations, we suspected a name change in Players (one of the Queen's Park Plaza relocates). This month we see it has transitioned into the BR Bar, complete with a nightly rock band (the Fire Burn Band). But that was just the beginning of the new and relocated bars to be found within Soi 7 Plaza this month (see below).
What was the Covid-closedRumours (another Queen's Park Plaza refugee) is now the Random @ 7. It looks like 'musical chairs' to us... The Rumours has now found a new home on Soi 8 in the old, and long defunct We 4 U. Originally the We 4 U was the 'last man standing' in the now-disappeared Easy Square Night Entertainment Area on Soi 22. The Random @ 7 itself is just over from Nana Plaza (although we hope the Nana Plaza version will return...) Not confusing at all... Welcome Random @ 7 to the aftermath...
It's quite amazing that the Soi 7 Plaza remains open each night, pedal-to-the-metal, paper cups and bottles, live bands, no masks, no social distancing, while the rest of Bangkok is either closed, claiming to be a 'restaurant', or 'doing the 'speakeasy''. They of course, have worked a sweet deal with the Men-In-Too-Tight-Uniforms, and are allowed to open at 2:00 p.m. each afternoon. Each evening Soi 7 Plaza will get an early telephone call from the gendarmerie telling them they have to close anywhere between 8:00 p.m. and 10 p.m.... At the appointed time, one of Bangkok's Finest will wander through making a perfunctory check. It's no longer even a best-kept-secret. Let 'er rip, then, gents - and ladies...
The Soi 7 Bier Garten, claiming full 'restaurant' privileges, has continued to march - this go-around with all their neon ablaze. Get down tonight.
The Soi 7 Plaza landscape looks nothing like it did prior to the Third Wave Coronavirus, when all bars in Bangkok were ordered to close. This new map shows the several new and relocated bars in their current locations. As renovations are still ongoing in some locations, the map will have to be redone in 2 to 3 months. Bar names shown in parenthesese are still closed - their fates still to be determined.
Soi 7 Plaza Venues that transitioned on, or before 1 December 2021
GONE *Rumours - (To Soi 8)
*Together - (Closed Earlier)
*Our Place - (Closed Earlier)
*Beers & Birds
*After Sammy Bar -
*(A Vietnamese Restaurant)
*Ida 789
NEW *Random @ 7
*No Bra - (Historical note: The No Bra was the first bar, the seminal bar,
to open in Queen's Park Plaza - even before it became Queen's Park Plaza.)
Soi Dead Artists (Sukhumvit Soi 33) is starting to come back to life... slowly. The 'ambiguous' massage parlors are claiming to be 'Traditional Thai Massages' to get in under the wire. The lounges are claiming to be (and probably mostly have licences) 'restaurants', also to get in under the wire. Not many venues are currently open, but it's a start...
(Sukhumvit Soi 33)
By the time you read this, Paco 19 Club will likely be open... (We'll follow up next month and get back atcha...). Located in what was, long ago, the Degas. Aimed at Japanese clientele....
(Sukhumvit Soi 33)
Venues transitioning on or before 1 December 2021 :
*Fortune Club - REOPEN - In Subsoi 3
*Fortune 17 Karaoke - CLOSED PERMANENTLY - To become Paco 19 Club
*Po Massage - REOPEN
*Rakuten - RE-OPEN
*Star Japanese Snack Bar - RE-OPEN - In Soi Pan Pan
The long-standing Down Under has reopened. Business as usual. -As a 'restaurant'... The beat goes on...
SOI EDEN (Sukhumvit 7 / 1)
Venues in transition on or before 1 December :
*Kawinya Massage - CLOSED
*Good Time Massage - ABSORBED the unnamed bar beer next door.
*Down Under - RE-OPEN
*New Victoria Pool & Bar - RE-OPEN
*Dalah Massage - RE-OPEN
*The Cool Sports Bar - RE-OPEN
*Shots Bar - RE-OPEN
*Nannie (Brown) Blue - RE-OPEN
*Wood Bar - RE-OPEN
SOI EDEN (Sukhumvit 7 / 1)
The Rumours (formerly of Queen's Park Plaza, then Soi 7 Plaza), has found a new home on Soi 8 in the long-closed We 4 U. Hmmm... If Soi 8 continues to grow, it will attain critical mass, and we will have to include it on our monthly survey of expat Night Entertainment Areas...
This month Midnite Hour highlights a few of the more popular Night Entertainment Venues from January 1965 - plus a couple of places that had their fair share of Nightlife, but that many of us oldtimers had forgotten (or never knew) about. And, as usual, we have turned up a couple of interesting historical footnotes...
We continue to follow the Sani Chateau night club, one of the 'Big Three' nightclubs in 1965. We hope to be able to present a progression of foreign Night EntertainmentSani Chateau brought to Bangkok over the years. It was located in the now extinct Gaysorn Night Entertainment Area. Note: they were also sponsoring a Japanese circus in Lumpini Park - one would almost think they were 'borrowing' talent from the circus to perform at the night club...
Patpong'sMax's was was selling itself as "Max's Cocktail Lounge & Grill" (at least in some of it's early 1965 advertising). But it was still 'Max's Place'. Note the expanded variety of entertainment found within...
Most of us, we longtime residents and return visitors, recall the King's Hotel as a comfortable 3-Star hotel serving a reasonable breakfast in the Coffee Shop. Little did we know that in the mid-'60's their King's Garden Lounge carved out it's fair share of Bangkok'sNight Entertainment Scene, offering hostesses and live music.
-An historical 'double-whammy' for the older Bangkok resident...
Most of those 'old' Bangkok hands going back to the '70's remember the Nipa Hut as a small Mexican Restaurant sporting one or two dwarf doormen dressed up in Mexican gear. Also, most of us remember Dolf Riks as a well-known restaurateur in Pattaya. However in 1965 not only did the Nipa Hut have live entertainment, it had Dolf Riks on board from time-to-time to prepare his famous Rijsttafel (Indonesian "Rice Table"). It was only after his Rijsttafel received popular acclaim in Bangkok in the '60's, that he headed off to Pattaya to open "Dolf Riks" - which quickly became a well-known restaurant on the corner of South Pattaya Road and Beach Road (later moving to North Pattaya).
A venue named 'Dairy Farms' is the last place one would look for Night Entertainment, nevertheless Dairy Farms on Surawong Road - near Patpong - was a popular, well-advertised Nitespot in the '60's.
Chez Suzanne was (obviously) a French restaurant, (not a Night Entertainment Venue), but we thought we'd sneak this clipping in to settle a controversy on whether or not Chez Suzanne was in operation in the early '60's. This clipping is from January 1965 (we have an earlier one in our archives from 1964). Discussion settled, gentlemen...
Bangkok Eyes goes back in time to see
Who was New - And Who was Through
in the Expat Night Entertainment World
How many of these old 'Oases'
Do you remember ?
Patpong 1
December 2001
* - No changes that month /year.
(Total Nitespots that month: 31 )
Patpong 2
December 2001
* The upstairs King's Cloud Cleopatra (the old Cleopatra) closed. Currently no Nitespot occupies that space.
* The Eden Garden Kama Sutra re-closed. Currently Dream Boy Bangkok occupies that space.
(Total Nitespots that month: 57 )
Soi Cowboy
December 2001
* The Honeymoon opened newly in the ex: Dandy digs. Today those premises are occupied by the Covid-closedCactus Club.
*"Snooker Room" - REOPENED. It was located at the side fence - 'Plaza side'.
*527 Bar - took over from Kiss Kiss.
*In 'Lolita's Corner' (in the Asoke Corner side) the "6-Pack" was being constructed, and one beer bar, the V.R Bar had already opened NEW within. (The other 5 slots were still under renovation.)
*In the Asoke Corner side, on the right, a previously unnamed beer bar became Prime Bar.
*Powell Pub - NEW - took over from Friends Karaoke - It was located next to Lolitas.
*Nong Kung - RENAMED from Nong Kwan. It was located on the Asoke Corner, left side.
*Anne - CLOSED after only one month's operation... Asoke Corner side, on the left.
(Total Nitespots that month: 43 )
Nana Plaza December 2001
* The Rainbow III - opened NEW up on the second level. Should the existing Nitespot reopen after Covidrestrictions, it will resume operations as Random.
(Total Nitespots that month: 40 )
Soi Katoey ( Silom Soi 4 )
December 2001
*Hyper - REOPENED up on the second level. Currently home to Hugs.
*Exposure - RECLOSED. Currently home to 4 Sport's.
(Total Nitespots that month: 10 )
Soi Dead Artists ( Sukhumvit Soi 33 )
December 2001
* The The Office Bar - NEW. Located at the end of Subsoi 33/2. It took over the old Pinnacle digs. No Nitespot currently occupies that real estate.
* The Blue Sky Club up on the 2nd level REOPENED after a 1-month renovation. Located in the Peep In Park (Now S 33 Compact Hotel). No Nitespot currently occupies that real estate.
(Total Nitespots that month: 33 )
Buckskin Joe Village (~ December 1988 to 9 June 2006)
(Also called 'Tobacco Road', 'Soi Rot Fai', 'The Tracks', 'Soi Zero' & 'Machim' [Thai] )
December 2001
*Lucky Lukes Bar - REOPENED. It took back the reins from Nui Lucky Bar - CLOSED.
*Susie's Bar - CLOSED
(Total Nitespots that month: 16 )
Washington Square (~ April 1999 to April 2014)
December 2001
*Taffy's New Square One Pub - ADD "Taffy's".
(Total Nitespots that month: 18 )
Clinton Plaza
(Originally ''Entertainment Plaza'')
[ ~February 1999to June 2003 ]
December 2001
* Hollywood A Go Go East REOPENED (all parts). - Located outside against outer wall.
(Total Nitespots that month: 18 )
''13 Night Market'' Entertainment Area
(Originally 'Old Thermae Compound')
[ April 2000 - March 2005 ]
Due to time constraints this Holiday Season, we were unable to final-edit Graffiti in the News this month. Our column will be continued next month. Thanks...
Graffiti #1298
Comic Book Demons
6 ft high x 12 ft
Graffiti #1299
The Beanie
8 ft high x 14 ft
Graffiti #1300
Popcorn Ducks
6 ft high x 19 ft
Graffiti #1301
Not The Rose Garden
4 ft high x 12 ft
Graffiti #1302
Peanut Head
5 ft high x 3 ft
Graffiti #1303
8 ft high x 8 ft
Graffiti #1304
8 ft high x 17 ft
Bangkok Eyes is an historically based news outlet, and as such, all graphic excerpts herein are considered, under current legal precedents and
prevailing interpretations, 'Fair Use' under Copyright Law. Copyright of any original artwork resides exclusively with the artists.
Bangkok's original site !
SINCE 2005
The MIDNITE HOUR Graffiti Page is prepared by Staff Contributor "Boge" Hartman.
(Boge's photo, above, is not a graffitiper-se, although there are those who have insinuated....