 The Covid-19 Third Wave continues to accelerate geometrically in Bangkok and environs, and along the Southern border. The more the Government tests, the more they find (see graphic below). The more they find, the tighter they (increment-by-increment) rachet-down on the ongoing ' partial lockdown'. The much-awaited distribution of vaccines is not only too little, but months too late to stop the 'explosion' of new infections and deaths Bangkok is now experiencing. Bangkok's Night Entertainment Scene is all but dead, save for a few street bars, and a few more bars operating à la 'speakeasy'. -Bangkok is, for all intents and purposes, devoid of ' entertainment'. As rumors of changing vaccine effectiveness, further crackdowns, and the arrival of new virus variants firestorm their way through the Capitol via social media, so do the mobs protesting against the Government. Meanwhile, every second day, the Government has yet another new 'announcement' of even more changes in the lockdown - as they struggle to keep up with the realities on the ground. As we go to press, the City strains to conform to the Government's latest (10) changes in the ongoing lockdown (see immediately below). In this issue we also FACT CHECK the Phuket 'Sandbox'.
Tip-Top, one of the King's Group's oldest Venues can, as a restaurant, serve food to take out, however, there are NO customers on Patpong 1. Yet more evidence that Night Entertainment in general is now in full 'Coronavirus decline'.
The 10 Additions / Changes
to the Current Partial Lockdown
Below are the latest ten (10) new or changed restrictions to the current lockdown for Bangkok and the 5 adjacent Satellite Provinces, plus the four (4) Southern Border Provinces. These changes courtesy of the current Government's authority under the extended National Emergency Decree. *. Issued on 27 June, effective June 28 for thirty (30) days. Subject to amendments or extensions (and you can bet we will be seeing some).
1. General: To slow and control the spread of Covid-19, to include ceasing the movement of risk groups.
2. Close construction labor encampments for 30 days. Construction projects to cease work. Workers cannot travel or relocate during this time.
3. Implement " Bubble & Seal" within factories and construction worker camps. (Strict isolation of groups.)
4. For Bangkok & Five (5) Satellite Provinces only : - Restaurants can serve take-away food only. Malls open until 21:00 only. Hotels, Exhibition halls and Convention centers are permitted to open, but no seminars or catered events. No gatherings of any kind over 20 persons unless prior permission has been obtained.
5. All ten (10) Provinces : - Strictly enforce safe practices in local communities, markets and ' slums'. Provincial Governors have the authority to close down, and isolate any risk groups that improperly gather or relocate.
6. All ten (10) Provinces : - Provincial Governors' representatives are to aid persons affected by lockdowns, closed businesses, and inability to move or relocate.
7. All ten (10) Provinces : - Travel Checkpoints will be established, and are required to screen all travellers over the next 30 days.
8. All ten (10) Provinces : - Provincial governments are to suppress violators causing the spread of Covid-19 through gambling, dealing in drugs, car racing, human trafficking in laborers for worksites or other.
9. All ten (10) Provinces : - Those working away from home must first consider / employ minimization of travel measures and minimal contact with others.
10. All ten (10) Provinces : - Cessation of activities such as parties, catering and the like. Exception : - Ceremonial activities integral to Thai customs and traditions.
(Note: The 10 provinces noted above are : Bangkok, plus the 5 'Suburb' provinces of Nonthaburi, Pathumthani, Nakorn Pathom, Samut Prakan, Samut Sakhon, and in the South : Songkla, Yala, Narathiwat, Patalung )
FACT CHECK: "The Phuket Sandbox" - Requirements
Last month we warned readers not to get their hopes up about a successful "Sandbox" in Phuket. We said, "...our crystal ball tells us not to put too much faith in the Phuket Sandbox tourism sanctuary plan... it looks like an overly complicated, unmanageable house-of-cards waiting for the monsoon winds.... " However, we had no idea it would be even more complicated, more exasperating, more ham-fisted and off-putting than we had imagined.
Here, straight from the horse's mouth, in black and white, is the gauntlet the prospective Phuket Sandbox visitor faces.. Read it and weep...
1. Travellers are advised to avoid at-risk areas or crowded places no less than 14 days before their travel date.
2. Travellers must travel from countries/territories (see list) approved by the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA), per the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), as proposed by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (MoTS) and TAT, and must have been in the said countries for no less than 21 days before their travel date – except Thai nationals and foreign expatriates returning from overseas. They must register their travel via the designated system or website (explained elsewhere, you'll have to Google it -ed), and have the following documents:
o A Certificate of Entry (COE). ( This is a separate and lengthy process through one's local Thai Embassy/ Consulate -ed)
o A medical certificate with a laboratory result by an RT-PRC method indicating that COVID-19 is not detected no more than 72 hours before their travel date.
o Copy of an insurance policy in English covering healthcare and treatment expenses for COVID-19 per applicant for the whole duration in Thailand with coverage clearly identified as no less than US$100,000. ( This is a separate procedure, with separate requirements - you'll need to Google it- ed)
o Copy of the payment confirmation for no less than 14 nights stay and RT-PCR tests at hotels approved by the MoTS or TAT. In the case that the length of stay is less than 14 days, travelers must present a confirmed flight ticket out of Thailand and payment confirmation for accommodation and RT-PCR tests at hotels that cover their intended duration of stay. ( Yes, really.... -ed)
o A certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 with a vaccine approved by the MoPH or the World Health Organization (WHO) no less than 14 days before their travel date. Travelers under 18 years of age, travelling with their parents or guardians, must have a medical certificate with a laboratory result by an RT-PRC method indicating that COVID-19 is not detected no more than 72 hours before their travel date. ( The only thing that makes sense - and should be the only requirement, other than a normal tourist visa and evidence of a recent nose-swab. -ed)
3. Travelers must undergo exit screening before departure. ( You don't want to know how elaborate and time-consuming this is - are you thinking, 'another swab'? Good guess.. -ed)
1. Entry screening and Immigration and Customs procedures:
o Travellers on direct, non-stop flights to Phuket International Airport are subject to health screening and Immigration and Customs procedures at the point of entry. See the “7-Step Flow at Phuket International Airport” below.
2. Download and install an alert application (App), as well as set the application on at all times for the whole duration in Thailand. ( This is one of two apps that you will be required to have on your smart phone on your visit to Thailand, so that you can be tracked at all times. -ed)
3. Proceed directly to the reserved hotel on approved airport transfer service.
4. Undergo a COVID-19 test (RT-PCR method) at own expense as per the following requirements: ( This is the part they didn't tell you about when you were looking at 'Visit Sunny Phuket" posters. All at your own expense, of course. -ed)
o Taking the first test upon arrival and await the test results in the accommodation. ( In other words, you are confined to your hotel until they get back to you on yet another swab. This, just an hour or so
after taking the mandatory swab at the airport, see below. - ed)
o Taking additional RT-PCR tests as per the following requirements:
* Travellers with the length of stay less than 7 days are required to take another test on Day 6 or 7, or as per the MoPH’s guidelines.
* Travellers with the length of stays between 10-14 days are required to take the second test on Day 6 or 7 and the third test on Day 12 or 13, or as per the MoPH’s guidelines. (Again, this does not count the original swab test you just took at the airport. -ed)
o In the case that travellers are tested positive for COVID-19, travellers will be referred to specified healthcare facilities for medical treatment, for which the expenses must be covered by the required insurance.
5. If tested negative for COVID-19, travellers can go anywhere in Phuket.
6. Travellers with an intended length of stay less than 14 days must leave Phuket (Thailand) immediately on an international flight to another country on or before their intended departure date. (Google FAQs on this for full info. - ed)
7. Travellers who have completed 14 nights in Phuket will be allowed to continue their journey to other Thai destinations. ( Google other FAQs for the full story on how it really works. -ed)
International / Domestic Departure
• For travelling from Phuket to other countries, travellers are advised to follow the guidelines and measures announced by the respective country of their destination.
• For travelling from Phuket to other Thai destinations, travellers are required to show proof that they have completed a 14-night stay accommodation ( -read, '14-night quarantine' - ed) along with other required documentation per the guidelines and measures announced by the respective destinations.
The below outlines the gauntlet prospective visitors will be marched through on arrival at the Phuket airport. They tell you this will take approximately 30 minutes - you may be waiting for your airport swab results longer than that...
To summarize, the Tourist Authority of Thailand, the Ministry of Public Health and the Prime Minister's Covid council (CCSA) got their heads together and created a labyrinthine, repetitive procedure in their endeavors to make everything triple-safe, but instead they have succeeded only in scaring tourists away in droves - no one in his right mind would want to have to spend literally weeks acquiring mountains of expensive documentation, spend a considerable amount of additional money on insurance policies that will be valid from one to 2 weeks, and then submit to repetitive medical testing, have no choice of hotel - and be required to carry not one, but two 'always-on' aps on their smartphone - once the Go vernment has changed out your sim card for their 'free' one. (Oh, yes... you will be under their thumb from the moment you arrive -ed). And yet, they will continue shaking their heads, wondering what went wrong... Why aren't people flocking to 'mask-free' Phuket (except at the Phuket airport, of course, where you still have to wear a mask...)
The adventure continues.... we shall update again next month...

Mismanagement of vaccine procurement and distribution, along with a bungled assessment of early outbreaks have led to a virtual explosion of both new cases and deaths due to the Coronavirus.
So what can Bangkok Nightlife tourism expect in the near future? Last month our "crystal ball" told us to expect most people would receive their first vaccination by August and their second vaccination by the end of September. We further anticipated a gradual loosening of the lockdown and a slow drift towards 'normal'. But that was then, this is now. The exponential iincrease in new Coronavirus cases and deaths hasn't slowed down in any way (while the Government carries on with their staged For-All-The-World-To-See Sand Box). If, and only if, the Government can get their vaccine programs into high gear, could we likely see some turn-around by the end of the year. By that time, many hotels, restaurants, Night Entertainment venues and other related businesses will have gone out of business..
General Information for Travelers to Thailand From the USA. (Not specific to the "Sand Box).
The following procedure / documents are required. Note: These procedures / guidelines are subject to change, so periodic coordination with the Thai Consulate nearest you is recommended. Those arriving in Thailand from other countries may find variations to these guidelines.
1. Negative polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) test for Covid-19 Virus within 72 hours of boarding their flight to BKK or HKT [Phuket] airports.
2. Covid-19 vaccination certificate, dated within 14 days to 1 year prior to their arrival.
3. If the traveler is hoping to be in the 14-day Phuket 'sandbox program', then they can only fly directly into Phuket, no transfers in Bangkok allowed. Tourists will need to spend 7 nights in Phuket before being allowed to travel elsewhere in the Kingdom.
4. COE ( = Certificate of Entry) from a local Thai embassy.. https://coethailand.mfa.go.th . Fill in the online application for COE at least 15 working days before the intend date of travel. Please note, the following documents are required to be uploaded to the COE website prior to issuing the COE:
- Passport
- Valid Visa and/ or re-entry permit.
- Certificate of Residence. [if you have one]
- Covid-19 medical insurance coverage of US$100,000.. The insurance should have the following information :
* Medical costs that cover COVID-19 treatment in Thailand;
* Period of the insurance policy ( start … / end … ) and cover the period of stay in Thailand;
* Minimum coverage of 100,000 USD of medical costs.
* ASQ – Confirmation of a 14-day booking of an ASQ hotel [ = Alternative State Quarantine hotel].
Note: the traveler must stay at an officially approved hotel, certified by the Amazing Thailand Safely & Health Administration. [called an ALQ?]
- A copy of flight confirmation/ reservation, showing going from US to Thailand. (The name of the applicant must be indicated clearly)
- Please note: use the “arrow” button to be sure the document is uploaded properly.
5. All arrivals will need to download the contact-tracing app, Thailand Plus.
6. ( For the 14 days in Phuket, the traveler must download this app and turn on while in Phuket. https://www.gophuget.com. )
With regard to the insurance requirement mentioned above, travellers to Thailand from the USA have found the below Insurance Company was able to provide them with the proper insurance.
BOOKS ...worth a read !
( Click on book covers to order. )
Join the 'Comments' page...
READER : Dear Sir,
Over the years I have much enjoyed your website, even contributed to it and been quoted in it a few times. As always, very good job and glad you can keep on keeping on. Like yourself I am an ex-military American, although you go way way back and I first hit Asia in 88. I really enjoy it when you speak about the old days, 60’s and 70’s especially. However, I was a bit uhh, concerned(?) when I read your editorial in the June issue. With respect, surely you understand why many of us Americans and others are hesitant to get vaccinated, myself included. And hugely obvious is the difference between the current much hyped and hurried vaccine and the others you mentioned. The covid vaccine has no track record, no decades of watching peoples’ reaction to it, no decades of proven safety and effectiveness. I’m not particularly anti-vax. I’ve had all the normal proven inoculations that anyone born in the mid 60s would have, and working internationally I still get jabbed frequently, my shot record is thick, going back to bootcamp in 84, but all of those vaccinations have been around for many decades. And of course everything in the USA is politicized now. Nothing can be just straight truth. Its all misinformation and constantly changing “settled” science. These days you’d have to be pretty naive to believe anything you hear coming out of Washington, or anything you see on the “news.” So, please dont tell me to stay home. Thailand is the closest thing to a home I have. I travel internationally constantly for work. I’ve been quarantined about 5 or 6 times now. I’ve been tested so many times there is a q-tip shortage. I’ve HAD Covid and recovered. It sucked but was not that big of a deal. I never felt my life was in danger, didn’t go to the hospital, didnt take any medicine except for the terrible headaches. Covid was a lot easier than dengue, which kicked my ass twice now so far. Additionally I would respectfully disagree that the reason people get the vaccine is to protect other people. Sorry, sir, that’s rather naive. Ask anyone who’s been vaccinated why they did it and they will say SO I DON'T GET COVID, YOU IDIOT. I haven’t heard anyone say they did it for the good of society or for the children or any other ingenuine rubbish. If they came up with a safe dengue vaccine I’d be the first in line, after lone safety trials, and I’d be getting it for ME, cuz dengue really sucks.
On a different note entirely I recently spent a pleasant couple of hours in a speakeasy type place on Soi 8. Maybe you’ve been already, but if not I think you’d be interested to visit. This is no quickly fabricated plywood ramshackle den with extension cords and exposed lights like those joints on Soi 11. This place is very nicely designed, lighted and decorated, and staffed. It calls itself a gin bar but everything is served, and in fact, there are two bars inside. You go through a darkened, closed exterior bar/restaurant, through the head and some double doors and you enter a cozy bar. But it doesn’t end there. You go in further and there is another bar, very comfortable seating with thai cushions, very intimate. The night I went they had a lot of customers, thai and foreign, men and women. Its so quiet and covert I asked the owner(?) if the police even knew about it, but of course they did. She said they are just trying to be extra respectful to the police. You can’t hear or see anything from the outside.
Like I said, maybe you’ve already been, but if not, and you are interested, let me know and I’ll tell you exactly where it is. Again, thanks for an excellent website. I get much enjoyment from it, especially when I’m away for months at a time. And on behalf of the millions of us that are hesitant to get the covid vaccine but not being crybabies about it, please consider my opinion, cuz that’s all it is.
First of all, we are flattered that we actually have a regular reader... Thanks for writing in.
We note with interest your comments on the Covid-19 vaccine. Yes, people do want to get vaccinated because they want to protect themselves. However, there is much yet to be said. We here at Midnite Hour know a number of families here in Bangkok, as well as in the U.S., Singapore, and elsewhere. A typical 'head of household' (in the families we know personally) very much wants the personal protection from Coronavirus, but also wants to insure the family is equally protected, especially the elderly or those with severe pre-existing conditions. This is most critical for the current Bangkok situation, as adequate vaccine is not currently available for all those who want, or need it. Thus we already see other strong motives for wanting to be vaccinated. These selfless motivations we do not categorize as "ingenuine rubbish". Therefore, we must respectfully reject your sole given reason for a person wanting to get vaccinated - "SO I DON'T GET COVID, YOU IDIOT".
As I noted in last month's 'editorial', it is a matter of perspective. Your perspective vs. that of the community. Just as heads-of-houshold, and I, want to be vaccinated to protect ourselves AND immediate family (that haven't yet been able to register), so the community wants you to get vaccinated. Their motivation is to protect the community and the nation - they do not want the unvaccinated among us to become the next super-spreaders. They maintain that the goal is the eradication of Covid-19, just as polio and smallpox were before it. Therefore, this is why we say,
"It's not about you", - it's about something monstrously more important than you - it's about stopping and reversing the Pandemic. In viewing the Pandemic through this holistic perspective - it becomes abundantly clear that the "Anti-Vaxers" and the crybabies remain a significant part of the problem.
While we are certainly NOT pleased that you contracted Covid-19, we are greatly pleased to hear you have recovered. You are the first person we've heard of that has self-diagnosed Covid-19 and successfully self-treated... Yet you expressed reservations about you, personally, getting vaccinated. However, your immunity from having contracted Covid-19 is superior to that which might be obtained from a vaccine. (Your immunity is self-evident - were you not immune, you would still have it.) Therefore there is no reason for you to be vaccinated any time within the next six months (and if immunity is as long-lived as from polio and rabies vaccines, you may never need to be vaccinated).
We would like to point out that your statement that the Covid vaccines are 'unproven' is no longer true - many millions of people have been vaccinated - this is called 'field-verification', and the statistics are in - epidemiologists (the statisticians) know, and can now accurately project within proven margins of error, the percentage of adverse reactions that will be sustained over the long term. It is again, self-evident from viewing world figures (graphs above) that the 3rd Wave is receding - not coincidentally, concomitant with the world-wide vaccination programs. As a final aside, it should be noted that neither smallpox nor polio had "decades of proven safety and effectiveness" behind them before they were released to the public - they were rushed out into the world community as fast as could be done at the time. There is only one conclusion for the 'critical thinker' - get vaccinated as soon as possible. My admonition, 'If you don't want to be vaccinated, don't come to Thailand' is not just a good idea - it's soon to be the law-of-the-land (vaccine passports, et al).. The overarching objective remains - turn the Pandemic around, and get back to 'normal'.
Many thanks for your tip on Soi 8. While trying to cover all bases, we often do not cover any one base sufficiently. It has been some time since we have spent an evening at Soi 8, and we really do need to get back for the full recon.
Did you get the e-mail from the US Embassy on (not) vaccinating U.S. citizens in Thailand? It's a real embarrassment. Apparently due to the Bite-me Harelip commitment to equity, the 500 million extra doses will be distributed to foreign governments. If US citizens want it, they can fly home and get it...
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 11:01 AM
Subject: Message to American Citizens from Charge d'Affaires Michael G. Heath
To My Fellow Americans in Thailand,
In the past few weeks, many of you have asked about the availability of vaccines in Thailand. I want you to know that I hear you and understand your concerns. I am providing you with an update on the actions our government is taking to ensure you have access to vaccines.
The Biden-Harris Administration has embarked on a global effort to address this pandemic by sharing 80 million vaccine doses worldwide by the end of June and 500 million more in the coming year. The first 25 million of these doses will soon be released, with seven million going to countries in Asia, including Thailand. We continue to advocate with the Royal Thai Government for fair access to vaccines by our citizens. We are heartened by Thai government commitments to vaccinate Americans and other foreign nationals who reside here, just as Thai and other nationals are receiving vaccinations with ease in the United States.
The U.S. diplomatic mission has not been spared by COVID-19, as several families in our community have endured tragedies from this terrible pandemic. Across the world, many countries are grappling with surges in COVID-19 cases and emerging variants among largely unvaccinated populations, requiring this crisis to be resolved on a global basis. Our government is therefore taking a methodical, equitable, and science-based approach to direct vaccine doses to the most seriously afflicted countries.
The U.S. Department of State is unable to provide vaccines to the millions of Americans who reside outside of the United States. For those who wish to return to the United States to be vaccinated, information on vaccine availability at the state level is available at www.vaccines.gov. Meanwhile, as Thailand pursues its vaccination program, I will continue to advocate for your equitable access, keeping in mind that many Thai citizens are also waiting for their own vaccines. I welcome your personal experiences with vaccination conditions in your area, and have set up a new email account (covidbkk@state.gov) to receive your submissions. We continue to provide updated information on COVID-19 on our Embassy webpage at https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/covid-19-information/ . We will work with the Thai government to ensure you are served in line with their goal to vaccinate all residents without regard to nationality.
The United States has made significant progress in fighting this pandemic, but I agree with you that the work is far from done. I am optimistic that vaccine availability in Thailand will increase as the fruits of American technology are made available to the world. Our own health agencies here in Thailand continue to work side-by-side with Thai colleagues to develop vaccines and therapeutics to defeat this pandemic over the long term.
I will remain in touch with you in the days and weeks ahead as the situation develops.
With best regards,
Michael Heath
Charge d’Affaires
Embassy of the United States of America
We have received a lot of comment on this particular US Embassy circular - yours being the most concise... It is said 'the only cause of disappointment is unrealistic expectations' - and in this case, we know of no one who is disappointed - as no one expected any "equitable" treatment from our own Embassy. No, really.... Back in early 1962 when we were backpackers touring the world, we would 'network' - passing on any useful info to other backpackers we met 'on the trail'. And vice-versa. A bit of 'common currency' amongst that scuffed-up bunch of international hitch-hikers was, if you got into trouble in a foreign country, go to the nearest British Embassy. The US embassies had nothing to offer except 'urgent' travel warnings. In our youthful naivete, first setting out on the open road, we believed those US embassy travel warnings were sincere attempts to keep us safe in our travels. But it didn't take long to see virtually all those warnings were simple CYA - so that if anything did happen to any of us, they would NOT be helping us. Again, really...
Fast-forward 60 years - nothing has changed. The above advisory from the Embassy looks like it was written by committee - it touches on every hot-button excuse, using every en vogue buzzword to explain why they are NOT providing vaccinations to American citizens in Thailand. They attempt to sound 'proactive' by saying they are "advocating" with the Thai Government to allow US citizens to be vaccinated through normal Thai channels here in Thailand. An old sage we know, who has resided in Thailand for decades, emailed us on the Embassy's 'advocating' on our behalf - he said, "Advocating with the Thai Government and 60 Baht will get you a cup of iced-coffee at the Thermae Coffee Shop."
As alluded to in the lead photo, US Embassy staff and all American personnel with US Embassy contractors have already been vaccinated through US Government channels. They are all doing quite OK, thank you very much... This is not a 'conspiracy theory in the making', we personally know a number of those embassy-related individuals who have already received their vaccinations. ...Meanwhile, the French - yes, you heard that right, even the French - are currently undertaking to have French & Belgian citizens in Thailand vaccinated in-country (initially those over 45). This fact apparently doesn't embarrass the hell out of our US Embassy staff - and we wonder why....
Thanks for reading and for writing in.
Don't hesitate to send your questions and comments - always welcome.
Note: Text may be edited for brevity and/ or clarity.
'Reader's Corner' moderator -
'Boge' Hartman
Historical Research
* Zootramp
Let the Follies begin-
An ongoing history
of Bangkok's Expat
Nightlife Scene
Vol. XXX No. 07
Bangkok, 01 July 2021
Free Distribution
As the Covid-19 situation in Thailand continually deteriorates and Covid deaths continue to rise, there is no possible way to predict when the Thai Night Entertainment Scene will return to normal. The only 'normal' we see in Bangkok's Nightlife future is continuing bar closures. At the rate of deterioration of conditions on the ground, by the time there is a turn-around in the spread of the Virus (and the lessening of the lockdown provisions) we will be looking at a brand-new landscape, and a very long (measured in years) rebuilding phase. It is possible that some Night Entertainment Areas will disappear in the process.
 The once-notorious SuperStar was a major player during Patpong 1's heyday. It recently removed it's ' signature signage' (see inset). Yet another sign that Venues are not just locking-down, they are going out of business.
 The King's Castle (previously King's Corner) keeps all it's ' offers' tacked up on the facade, but like everywhere else, it is locked down for the duration. With worsening Covid-19 outbreaks and lengthening lockdowns, we could be seeing the slow, but inevitable demise of Patpong 1 - the former ' Center-of-the-Night-Entertainment-Universe'.
Takara Massage has gone through a number of ' versions' and a number of different locations on the Patpongs since its inception at the Silom side of Patpong 2. It's beginning to look like this may be it's final resting place...
 The ever-popular Patpong Museum is 'leaning forward in their foxhole', waiting to reopen...
 The owner of Cosmos, (which closed well before the worst of the Coronavirus-19 lockdowns) was rumored to have ' turned in his keys' (indicating Cosmos was permanently closed.) This however is not the case. It is still within the realm of possibility that it will reopen .... someday...
 Up on The Ramp, actually one level above The Ramp, the Triple 888 Massage ( Thai Massage) has reopened.
 The Tilac partially obscured by the construction equipment currently digging up the Soi for new cables / pipes. For once, the City is working on a roadway when it won't disturb traffic and business establishments...
 While there were stirrings at the Cowboy 2, it was only staff keeping things in good order prior to an anticipated reopening of Soi Cowboy... someday...
The World's Largest Adult Playground is also The World's Darkest Adult Playground. The sum total of three security guards while-away the hours, looking for new ways to do nothing at all - while Bangkok's Night Entertainment lockdown drones on....
 The Chequers British Pub remains mothballed, along with the rest of the bars on Soi Nana. No end in sight - Bangkok's Dark Ages continue to roll on...
 The V Good Massage has reopened, as have other ' Thai Massage' and ' Foot Massage' (Reflexology) salons. As at this writing these types (only) of massage parlors are allowed to reopen - this excludes ' fish-bowls', 'steam & creams', 'specialty massages'.
 Likewise, the T. Thai Massage is another of Soi Nana's 'legit' massage parlors to have reopened. But as as can be seen from the photo, reopening is only the first step. The second step is getting customers (and when there are none around, it becomes problematic...).
Thai Traditional Massage Parlors that have reopened by 30 June 2021 :
* Charmming Massage - (Soi Big Mango)
* OK. D. Massage
* T. Thai Massage
* V Good Massage
* Swan Massage & Salon
* Nit Massage - (NEW - took over from old Secret Garden Massage) - Photo to follow.
The G's Bangkok has reopened (after a brief closure last month). Currently they can only function as a 'Take-Out' restaurant.
The Adam Massage, while appearing open, had no customers... All other Nitespots on the Soi were closed.
 As noted above, one of the categories of business that was allowed to reopen was massage parlors, ( Thai, Foot, not ' specialty'). The three Thai Massage parlors shown below are (left to right), the Holiday Relax Massage, the A.W. Massage and the J. Smile Massage.
SOI 22
 * We note the temporary closing of Flower Cafe (opened newly last month).- located on Soi Starlight.
SOI 22
Thai Traditional Massage Parlors that had reopened by 30 June 2021 -
* Holiday Massage & Spa
* A.W. Massage
* J. Smile Massage
* Asia Massage
* Nice Massage
* Nice Massage 2
* Wild Orchid Massage
* Bear Hug Momiya Massage
* Chaowang Massage
* Fah Massage & Nail
* Paradise 22 - (In Soi Lemongrass.)
* Dive Massage - (In Soi Lemongrass)
* Hip Bangkok Massage
* Miss Neko Massage
* Marigold Massage
* Mekkhala Massage
* Lek @ 22 Massage
SOI 22
 The Old German Beer House, an open-sided, indoor-outdoor restaurant remains closed. It is hard for many to understand why such a restaurant (with adequate ventilation, and proper distancing and sanitation) could not remain open.
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 Likewise, the long-closed Zanzibar is an outdoor, (under-the-trees) restaurant, which need not be closed - given the current understanding of the Coronavirus. With proper 'distancing' and sanitation, there is no reason, save lack of customers, not to open. How long they will be able to hold out before financial ruin is anyone's guess.
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
 We note the permanent closing of the Tewley Cocktail group of temporary bar beers (-file photo below) across from the Ambassador Hotel - construction fencing has put an end to their entrepeneurship - at least for the time being...
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
Thai Traditional Massage Parlors that had reopened by 30 June 2021 :
* P.P. Bar & Massage - Ya Dong Potion - Sub-soi Havana Social
* Cozy Spa - Sub-soi 11/1
* Suntaree Massage 5 - Sub-soi 11/1
* Cha Cha Massage
* The Best Massage
(Sukhumvit Soi 11)
(And the Soi 7 Bier Garten)
 The Soi 7 Plaza frontage (see two pics below) is indicative of the lack of activity within. We detected no, as in zero, 'speakeasy' operations on our visit (inclusive of the Soi 7 Bier Garten) - absolute darkness presided. We hope they will be able to hold out until the lockdown is rescinded...
 The only 'growth' in Expat Night Entertainment activity we've observed since the 3rd Wave of Covid-19, is the Street Bars / Noodle shops on Soi 7 (note the photo below and the two photos above). The Street Bars stretch from Sukhumvit Road down past Soi 7 Plaza to the Soi 7 Bier Garten. We have noticed an increase in the number of Street Bars over the last 3 months - which hasn't gone unnoticed among many ' Covid-stranded' farang...
 A " for-our-records" pic of the still-closed Honey - a Japanese lounge - of sorts. Located on Sub-soi 4.
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Soi 33 Sukhumvit)
 The 7-Heaven Japanese lounge was open - à la 'speakeasy' (as was the Star Japanese Snack Bar), both on Soi Pan Pan.
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Soi 33 Sukhumvit)
Thai Traditional Massage Parlors that had reopened by 30 June 2021 :
* Kyoto Massage
* Thanks Massage - Sub-soi Pan Pan
* Charming Massage - Sub-soi 33/2
* My Raku
* Top Thai Massage & Spa 2
* Fortune Club Girls Bar & Massage - Sub-soi 3
* Daisy Dream Massage - Sub-soi 3
SOI DEAD ARTISTS (Soi 33 Sukhumvit)
 The Down Under was 'open', but just as a restaurant (see menu in front, pic below). Only the staff populated the premises...
SOI EDEN (Sukhumvit 7 / 1)
Nitespots that were open on 30 June 2021 :
* Dalah Massage
* Down Under
* Bangkok Beer Cafe
* Kawinya Massage
* Good Time Massage
* (Unnamed Bar Beer)
SOI EDEN (Sukhumvit 7 / 1)
Traces of Bangkok's Early Years
Once again, Midnite Hour digs deep into the dust-laden cupboards and old cardboard boxes in our attic - and discovers a variety clippings and pics of Nitespots from December 1964 - back when 'Night Clubs' (with Philippine bands) outnumbered the 'bars'... As time goes on, we will feature many of the same Venues as they grow and change, and feature varying local and overseas talent.
The Naturist Night Club was going strong in December 1964 (we don't yet have an opening date). It would become Naturist A-Go-Go in (late?) 1966, becoming Bangkok's first A Go-Go bar. (Yes, about 2 years before the Grand Prix on Patpong 1 Road. As time goes on, and we dig deeper into our cardboard box 'reservoirs' of old clippings and photos, we will attempt to affix dates more precisely...
The Borvon Service Barber/ Massage/ Baths, a forerunner of the big 'Ap-Op-Nuat's, was located at the top of Sukhumvit Soi 33 several years before that soi became a Night Entertainment Area. No Nitespot venue currently occupies that real estate. (The note to taxi - in Thai - refers to the Caltex station as the 'Star-Logo Pumps' (very loosely...)
The Julie's Heart Bar and the Diamond Bar & Restaurant (right) were located on Sukhumvit Road close to the entrance to Soi 14 - the 1964 forerunners of the notorious mid-70's Three Roses, the Rosemary 1 & 2 and the original Sunshine and Rainbow bars (all located between Soi 14 and Soi 16).
Most of the 'old-timers' remember Patpong's Aladdin, but few believe it had already opened by 1964. Aladdin closed on / about September 1969, some of the young ladies moving across the street to the then-recently opened Grand Prix as it ramped up it's A Go-Go stage..
With thanks to Cool Text.com
With thanks to Cool Text -cooltext.com
Bangkok Eyes goes back in time to see
Who was New - And Who was Through
in the Expat Night Entertainment World
How many of these old 'Oases'
Do you remember ?
Patpong 1
July 2001
* - No changes that month / year.
(Total Nitespots that month: 33 )
Patpong 2
July 2001
* The long-closed Cleopatra began renovations that month, and would eventually become the King's Cloud Cleopatra, reflecting the change of ownership... Currently no Nitespot occupies that upstairs real estate.
* For whatever reason, Jack Pub & Karaoke, up on The Ramp put an 'apostrophe' in front of it's name - reading 'Jack Pub & Karaoke.
(Total Nitespots that month: 56 )
Soi Cowboy
July 2001
* Shadow -- known previously as Crazy Jack's Shadow (until October 1997) closed for renovations. It was located in between the then Rawhide and Long Gun - where (the newer) Crazy Cat most recently held court. No relation to the current Shadow Lady Boy Bar located next to Dollhouse (both currently locked down for Covid).
* Baccara added "Blue Bird A-Go-Go" to their name - likely reinstating the old 'Blue Bird' name for legal reasons. They would eventually revert to just 'Baccara', and are still there (locked down for Covid).
* New A Go Go Duck (Jukes) saw fit to rearrange their neon to Juke's New A Go Go Duck. That location is currently occupied by the (locked down for Covid) Shark.
(Total Nitespots that month: 33 )
Cowboy Annex
(Asoke Corner + Asoke Plaza)
[ ~June 1998 to 04 February 2005 ]
July 2001
* 'Snooker Room' reopened after a one-month break. It was located at the side fence - 'Plaza side'.
* Flipper Bar opened newly, taking over from Je T'aime. It was located at the side fence - 'Plaza side'.
* 'Coffee Corner' closed. It was located at the front (Asoke Plaza side).
* The Golden Elephant opened newly. It was located at the right side, in from Soi 23.
* Ban Rim Chang opened newly. It was located at the right side, in from Soi 23.
(Total Nitespots that month: 33 )
Nana Plaza
July 2001
* - No changes that month / year.
(Total Nitespots that month: 40 )
Soi Katoey
( Silom Soi 4 )
July 2001
* The Tapas adds "Room Club" to it's neon. The Banana Room Club (now locked down by Covid) currently occupies that space.
* Exposure reopened after a month off. Those premises are most recently occupied by 4 Sport's - currently closed - Covid Pandemic.
* Kool Spot Pub closed it's doors. It was located just past Telephone Pub, same side.
(Total Nitespots that month: 11 )
Soi Dead Artists
( Sukhumvit Soi 33 )
July 2001
* The Christie's Club reopened. No Nitespot currently occupies that space.
* The Sanjusan Bangkan opened newly in the 33 Complex.
* The 33 House Karaoke opened newly in the 33 Complex.
* The Ashi (Ati) opened newly in the Peep In Park (Now the S 33 Compact Hotel)..
* The Wall Street Bar opened newly. The 666 Class specialty massage currently occupies that space (Currently closed for Covid).
* The Big Shots opened newly in Sub-soi 3. No Nitespot currently occupies that space.
* The Blu-Bar-BQ opened newly in Sub-soi 3. No Nitespot currently occupies that space.
(Total Nitespots that month: 38 )
Buckskin Joe Village (~ December 1988 to 9 June 2006)
(Also called 'Tobacco Road', 'Soi Rot Fai', 'The Tracks', 'Soi Zero' & 'Machim' [Thai] )
July 2001
* Sidetrack Bar Beer reopened after a one-month closure, where they added air conditioning. (The last bar on the right, going in.)
(Total Nitespots that month: 17 )
Washington Square (~ April 1999 to April 2014)
July 2001
* - No changes that month / year.
(Total Nitespots that month: 17 )
Clinton Plaza
(Originally ''Entertainment Plaza'')
[ ~February 1999 to June 2003 ]
April 2001
* Super Star Frank's Tivoli Bar & Grill closed. (In the main building.)
* The Meeting House opened newly. Ex: Tivoli Terrace (In the main building.)
* The Top Down Grill opened newly. Ex: New York Pizza. (Outside against the main building.)
* The O.K. Beer Bar opened newly. (Outside against outer wall.)
(Total Nitespots that month: 23 )
''13 Night Market'' Entertainment Area
(Originally 'Old Thermae Compound')
[ April 2000 - March 2005 ]
July 2001
* All Nitespots - CLOSED during renovations.
(Total Nitespots that month: 0 )